Win7 drive kept filling. How do I get space back


Jun 23, 2017
I have had this problem for a while. 120gb ssd c drive filled up gigbytes quickly. I mean just hours. I refresh the computer window and the available space drops almost every refresh.
I have 'fixed' it in the past. Googling this and that and using windirstat to view large files.
I think it was the windows cbs, cab files, temp files.
All being many gb. I have tried disabling the windows module installer and deleting the files. It freed up some space but some time later it kept filling up.
It's not restore points because I have it set to 2%.


(The large red sections is the <files>,the hiberfil and pagefile and directly left of those two is everything in 'windows')

Windows shows ~44gb after some managing earlier today. (I.e. Disk clean up)
It's not filled with hiberfil or pagefile i don't think because windirstat shows them as ~20gb separately
I am not against disabling hibernation and deleting them for space. I just wanted to show that they're not a part of windows being 44gb
I can't see any more cab files. A 2gb cbs file is active because windows module installer is active again and I cannot stop it. I don't know any temp files I can delete.
I've uninstalled stuff and deleted stuff to get some additional space back.

Thank you for reading and any advice is appreciated
How much stuff is in c:\windows\softwaredistribution\download?
You can delete the contents of the download folder, but DO NOT delete the contents of anything else in the softwaredistribution folder.

To delete the CBS.log file you need to end the trustedinstaller process. Disk cleanup will grow this file 120 - 160mb each time you run disk clean up. 2GB for a CBS file is excessive and if it's continually growing then there is a problem, but don't have enough information to say what.

How big is winsxs?

If you prefer sleep to hibernation you can run powercfg -h off from a command prompt to get some space back.

On our 120-128gb SSDs here with Windows AND all applications installed on C:\ for Windows 7 we usually have 70gb free. (Games are installed on a separate drive). That's with over 20gb of applications.

By default Windows will only delete temporary files over 7 days old. There is a registry tweak for it if your interested.

You could manually delete the files in c:\users\<yourusername>\appdata\local\temp

If you use an nVidia card and you don't want to uninstall your video drivers, then you can delete the contents of c:\Program Files\nVidia Corporation\installer2. If you clear the contents of that folder youy can't uninstall your video drivers without first reinstalling them.

from an elevated command prompt you can see the size of your system restore files with

vssadmin list shadowstorage

This will give you the allocated and maximum storage values for each drive. it is possible for restore points to become orphaned. You could turn off system restore, then delete all restore points and turn it back on. That will get rid of any orphaned restore points if you have any. If you want to proceed down that path google "delete orphaned restore points".

hope that helps, at least a little.

Unfortunately i could not find the solution. Just delete what I could find and disable what I could. Which was temporary.
My next step is to reformat and do a fresh install of windows. Hoping that works and that's the end of it