WIN7 I/O Error


Apr 15, 2010
Hello guys,

I have a 250gb drive that has not been formatted. I have an old H45 Tech enclosure from 10+ years ago, and had placed it in there to prep for NAS, as the NAS was not recognizing it either.
Because I could not get it to read in the h45 box-- I was able to get it to format 128gb's of it, but I wanted the whole thing formatted to use all of the drive, so, I bought a dynex 3.5" disc enclosure, it just arrived today, and while it read, and installed on my laptop, it would not allow me to format it. In going into storage mgmt, it said that it was not allocated, and asked me to select an option-- mbr, or as a secondary. In looking at the notes, it said that the secondaries are only good for larger than 2tb drives.
So, I selected the mbr, and got a message stating there is an i/o error in attempting to format it.
Now, in plugging it in to check the message for specifics, it won't even recognize it, so now I can't even get to tell you the specific message.
The pins are set to read cable select

Any thoughts/ideas?

I'm running Win7 Ultimate on a GW-M285 convertible, 500gb drive, 4gb ram.