win7 install problem (64&32)


Feb 22, 2015
Hi guys.
Very strange problem when i trying to install win 7.
I changed the bios setting to boot from cd and it works graet.
After the windows 7 install finish, the laptop resets and when the Windows 7 flag appears it's just freeze.(the keeps moving but nothing happend).
I allready tried 3 versions of windows 7 and always the same problem.
I also use Arconis via Hiren's and i cleaned the hard drive and installed again but..... the same problen accured.
any suggestions??
thanks a lot
Toshiba l50-a-1d5 (new laptop)

The windows not load via Safe Mode....
I forgot to say that the laptop bought with win 8.1 and i format it and installed win 7 64 (after changing the Bios settings...)
Iv'e also updated the Bios version