Win7 isn't seeing all Hard Drives


Apr 14, 2013
I read a lot of the previous posts but didn't find any that applied to my issue.

I have a total of 4 other HD's besides the RAID config I have setup. Only 2 of the 4 other drives are actually seen by one of which I says it can't be accessed. It also shows 0 free & used space. Now when I say they can't be seen I mean they can't be "seen". The drive letters exist for the ones that can be. That is NOT the issue.

Under Disk Management it does show the right amount of used, & free space, for the one I can't access.
Another odd thing I just noticed, is that only 1, of my 2 burners are showing. Under "Device Manager", I can see both burners, but not the two 1tb drives.

The BIOS is set to RAID, all drives are SATA, & they all are seen by the BIOS on bootup. All drives, & burners, are internal.

Let me also add that the 2 drives that show are my 750gb & the 2 not showing are my 1tb. I'm using a different set of 1tb drives for RAID. When I originally went to install Win7 I did have to access diskpart, & run clean, since I didn't have the option to install on Disk 0. I just found one other post from someone whos problem was similiar. It appears that he had to re-format his drive in order for it to be recognized. Re-formatting my 1tb drives is not an option for me though. I have my data backed up on those drives.

Everything worked fine prior to me upgrading from XP to Win7. So I doubt this would be the case. Drives are automatically assigned letters & if they aren't they would still show up under Disk Management, so I would be able to assign letters to the ones that aren't. My C: Drive isn't the issue. My D: Drive I can access howerever even though my E: Drive shows I can't access it. The drive shows correcty,as far as space used, & free, under Disk Management. just not in the Libraries.

The burners show as F:, & G:, of course, instead of my two 1tb Drives showing. In which case the burners would be H: & I:. I've now got both burners being seen.

Thanks for the reply.

I was figuring I would have to re-install Win7 again, however I don't see how re-creating my RAID0 setup will make my other two 1tb Drives able to be seen, and/or accessed, within Win7. How will this allow me to access, what is currently the E: Drive? Both 750gb Drives show as "Non-Raid", & the 1tb Drives show as "Member Disks", in the BIOS,
Here's an update. Now I can read the E: Drive. I didn't change anything. Some more Windows Updates ran & then I rebooted. When I looked now I was able to open it. I don't have both burners again & under Disk Management I can't see any other Drives besides a Disk 0 that doesn't have a letter assigned to it & none can be.