WIn7 on Kaby Lake mobo, DVD problems fixed


Aug 28, 2013
I had Win7 running fine on a B75 mobo. I upgraded the system to a B250M Kaby Lake mobo and CPU (Asus B250M Prime) The upgrade seemed OK after using the new drivers suplied on the DVD. After finishing installing the new drivers I tried to read a data DVD but both Blu-ray drives just locked up. The drives were detected at boot, but no data could be read from any sort of disc.

After a lot of driver trialling, which cured nothing, I found the fix to be in the UEFI-bios settings. All SATA ports connected to optical drives should be set to "Hot Pluggable". I turned on SMART monitoring too, but I suspect this is unrelated to the DVD problem. The CD/DVD/BR drives will then work fine in Win7. The Hot setting need not be set to On under Win8/10 or Linux. It is the 2006 MS dvd drivers in Win7 that are dodgy/too old. I've had no further problems since changing the BIOS.

N.B.: Upgrade all Kaby Lake mobo BIOSs to July-2017 or later. Many KL CPUs have a hyperthreading bug in the uCode. The BIOS change should include notices such as: "improved hyperthreading stability" or "hyperthreading upgraded" or "CPU microCode upgraded".