Win7 open as if I had a dual screen setup - I only have 1


Sep 12, 2010
When win 7 open up, what I see on my single display is a desktop screen of a tipical secondary display that would be placed on the right of the main screen.

I go into desktop properties and I see that win7 detect and show 2 screens as if I had a dual screen setup. But I only have one 24" screen.

I always need to ask win7 to "detect" the screens again, then it automaticly delete the second "non-existent" screen.

My setup is Dell Sudio XPS 9100
I7 930
5870 geforce
12go ram
If I use CCC and press "detect Display", my screen automaticly become as if it was #2 of a dual screen setup, I loose all my icons and desktop material. I need to slide the mouse over untill I see it in the "new" screen, then use window utility to detect again, then windows delete it and I go back to my "standard" desktop.
What is AMD saying your second display is? You can set your current display as the first from the driver, but the wonder is what is AMD saying is your #1 display and what is supposed to be hooked to it. (Desktop Management mouse over the picture of the monitor and a popup should tell you the name of the display and what type of cable is being used)
I don't see Hydravision nowhere...

The second "virtual" display always comes back at each restart. It says CRT display. Then I ask the system or CCC to detect, then it goes away...
I removed CCC and all it's components and did a fresh install - it does the same thing when I boot - but this time, it stays on my main windows screen while there's a "virtual" right hand screen that you can point the mouse to whitout seeing it... kind of anoying because the cursor always disapear on the right side... Or when you want to press the X to close a program, you always loose the cursor on the right which is getting on my nerves.... :pt1cable: