win8.1 kernel data inpage error (acpi.sys)


Oct 17, 2017
Hi there,
I'm stucked in bsod restart loop with kernel data inpage error (acpi.sys) on the screen. Laptop Asus ux31a with windows 8.1. When i power it I get asus logo, then windows logo, then blue screen with the message trying to find the error, but never moves out 0% just restart and goes over again.

I tried:

- discharged completely, power on for minute or two then plug in AC.

- Power on and off few times, not able get automatic repair screen.

- Cliking F9 during powering on, it just keep appearing asus logo and black screan few times, then black screen with cursor, then restart again.

- 3 different windows iso mirror on usb trying to boot it from Bios. It can see it but cant boot it. Always just appear win logo rolling circle and black screen without cursor. And stays like that for hour without change. Havent tried for longer.

I couldnt find any more fixes online.
How can i verify if something went wrong with ssd, memory or something else? I can only get into Bios, no WinRe, recovery, safe mode, Automatic repair.

Any help would be highly appreciated
Many Thanks Sima
Ok i have the usb ready. Now if I understand well I will boot it from Bios the same way as I attempt to do the Windows installation?
This Is my first issue, so Im learning on the way. Thank you for your patience
i have bios 218, there is only one newer update 219.
Shall i try it ?
Also I was wandering. If I could boot the memest, isn't it weird that it couldnt read the windows from usb?
Is isnt it possible that the mirror on usb is not right. I was usin Zotac for creating the boot. I also tried Rufus, but couldnt finish it in it. Is there way how to check the Usb if the boot is really correct?
I keep fighting. Bios has been updated. I've tried all possible iso to usb programs, 4 different iso files, 2 usbs, 5-6 iso in dvd using different programs for creating. Finally I could get into system with a help of recovery dvd which i downloaded from computer with windows 7. Not sure exactly about the name, it was just somewhere in start options. create....dvd.
It got me even to safe mode (when I was pressing f8 on start up) but not a one option helped me. When i run safe mode it will stop at system32\drivers\disk.sys and restart. If i continued to boot the dvd, it gave me options for startup restore, - didnt fixed, (in the report is that the volume of dick is corrupted)Recovery - didnt allowed me. Recent images - nothing. Memory check. And command prompt, where is X:\windows\system 32 if i try to change it to c , it cant find it. i also got into with Easy recovery essential. I found all datas, windows os but automatic repair wont find the installed windows. I guess could be a bad driver, but if yes can i change it from here? Many thanks