Winamp May Not Be Doomed After All

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I hope it's a level-headed entrepreneur that is buying it in order to keep it "alive" but not change it into some monstrous "thing" that we have seen before.

If it's MS, so be it, but I hope they don't change it into a pile of crap like they have been famous for lately *cough* win8 *cough*...
I hope Winamp is going to be flushed as it was a mediocre program at best. I used it for some time in early iterations of the software and then ditched it.

"Winamp, it really whips the llama's ass!" on startup was its only redeeming feature ... and the humour in that rapidly faded to annoyance.

The little detachable windows for the features were also just plain stupid ... the idiot who designed that should have been dressed in a Llama suit for pennance.

At this point, anyone who is buying Winamp is most likely not someone with a media player of their own already, since there will be little point in 'killing' an already dead (no longer supported) software. I don't think it is MS.
Damn...I was really hoping they just release it as open source so it can be improved by the community. I sense dark times coming around.
But what's the point? I still run a version of WinAmp that's at least 5 years old and it works perfect, use it daily. You can't improve upon perfection so really what else does it need?
I really see not point at all in postponing WinAmp's death it should have gone the way of the dodo years ago. Let it die already. Mediocre is really to nice to describe it. A total piece of Shit would much closer to it.

Remember the last time you tried to cross my bridge without paying the toll ... which was as I recall to do with treating other users with a bit of respect.

Oh ... my moderator status thingy isn't displaying correctly ... its a hiccup.

Note I edited your post for proof.


Glad I switched to Aimp 3. It's loads better, and portable! In a world where you're forced onto the likes of Windows 8 that occasionally nukes itself and requires a system wipe and re-load, having as much of your software as possible - portable, makes a world of difference.
I use media monkey and foobar now.
Like another AOL take over...They should open sorce it and let a community take it over like netscape did with firefox
Tried Aimp for last 2 days, didn't like it. No cover art and little info. FooBar2000 is worth having, but Winamp is still the best! It's local media library view, album art and visualizations are unequaled. What else shows 1000 by 1000 cover art? It could get better if it cycled through all the .jpgs, nothing does that yet.
I have not used Winamp in almost a decade. I switched to Core media player, then just stop installing a 3rd party media player as most of the media I enjoy is through a browser.
I didn't realize Winamp was still going, anything AOL touches usually dies bloated. If the picture on the homepage is anything to go by, Winamp is definitely bloated and well on its way to rotting.

If anybody might be looking for an audio player similar to what Winamp used to be (small, fast, powerful, easy to use, etc...), check out XMPlay. I could spit out a whole list of awesome to say about it, but you should just check it out and see for yourself.

I wouldn't hold my breath hoping Microsoft would "save" Winamp. We all know how Skype and Messenger turned out. And Windows Vista, 7, 8...
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