Window 10 crash need to hard restart

May 29, 2018
1) I have already clear the cmos with the jumper. Now I tried with the jumper technique + removing the cmos battery but it dosen't change things. The bios was updated to the latest 3 month ago when I reinstalled Window 10 and it's an old mobo so I don't think they did an update. I'm also scared of flashing my bios because it can turn into a brick if the flash is not good. I prefer the old method to just full clear window and reinstall all the pilote manually at this point( I already did this).

2) It is something in the bios. It is like OD : Over drive, where the pc auto clock automaticly when you play games. So when the pc crash you look at the log and see when it crash so you can manually change the clock to have a more stable CPU OC. The problem I have heard about this is when you set it manually or want to return to clock factory it won't revert unless you clear the cmos...

3) My tought it is because my cpu is black edition which mean it is turbo from 4.0 ghz to 4.2 ghz. Maybe I'm wrong.. The weird thing is I tried the manually option in the bios and set the multiplier to 20.0 which is 4.0 ghz and 21 is 4.2 ghz. But when I look into cpu-z even if I set it to 20.0 it say that my cpu run at 4.1 and sometimes 4.2. Just to mention I have a air cooler radiater 4 pipe on the cpu.

CPU: AMD Fx-8350 Black Edition
Motherboard: Asus Sabertooth 990Fx R2.0
Ram: 4x4Gb Corsair Black Edition 2x(1333 Memory clock) 2x(1866 Memory clock) didn't had the choice to downgrade the clock of the two 1866 to 1333 to fit the 4 Memory.
SSD/HDD: Samsung 840 Evo(120 GB), 1 TB Blue western digital, 4 TB Baracuda
GPU: Gtx 970(4GB vram) OC edition from Strix
PSU: Corsair 750 Golden
Chassis: My chassis is a meme : Antec
OS Window 10 pro (64x)

My pc just crash 30 minute ago and can't find a solution :shrud:

I don't think it is a problem of ram compatibility since they are the same but in different power. The problem have appear when I switched from window 7 to window 10. I already did 3 different cmos clear. Also I'll create a new thread, because In my head a crash is when I need to hard restart. My window in reality don't crash but freeze to death.
Question from petitloup932 : "Window 10 freeze, need to hard restart everytimes."

1) I have already clear the cmos with the jumper. Now I tried with the jumper technique + removing the cmos battery but it dosen't change things. The bios was updated to the latest 3 month ago when I reinstalled Window 10 and it's an old mobo so I don't think they did an update. I'm also scared of flashing my bios because it can turn into a brick if the flash is not good. I prefer the old method to just full clear window and reinstall all the pilote manually at this point( I already did this).

2) It is something in the bios. It is like OD : Over drive, where the pc auto clock automaticly when you play games. So when the pc crash you look at the log and see when it crash so you can manually change the clock to have a more stable CPU OC. The problem I have heard about this is when you set it manually or want to return to clock factory it won't revert unless you clear the cmos...

3) My tought it is because my cpu is black edition which mean it is turbo from 4.0 ghz to 4.2 ghz. Maybe I'm wrong.. The weird thing is I tried the manually option in the bios and set the multiplier to 20.0 which is 4.0 ghz and 21 is 4.2 ghz. But when I look into cpu-z even if I set it to 20.0 it say that my cpu run at 4.1 and sometimes 4.2. Just to mention I have a air cooler radiater 4 pipe on the cpu.

CPU: AMD Fx-8350 Black Edition
Motherboard: Asus Sabertooth 990Fx R2.0
Ram: 4x4Gb Corsair Black Edition 2x(1333 Memory clock) 2x(1866 Memory clock) didn't had the choice to downgrade the clock of the two 1866 to 1333 to fit the 4 Memory.
SSD/HDD: Samsung 840 Evo(120 GB), 1 TB Blue western digital, 4 TB Baracuda
GPU: Gtx 970(4GB vram) OC edition from Strix
PSU: Corsair 750 Golden
Chassis: Antec
OS Window 10 pro (64x)