Hey everyone! Basically my main problem is, not being able to boot into windows 10, i'm running a custom built desktop PC, with 2 internal harddrives, and 1 external, one of the HDD's is partitioned for windows 10, and one of the HDD's has windows 7, so i am running a dual boot, i was using windows 10 yesterday perfectly fine when all of a sudden it crashed, i thought nothing of it and restarted my pc, to find 0xc0000255 error, i've actually had this in the past and was able to fix it with bootrec commands, i have literally looked on every forum i can find and tried every single fix, and nothing seems to be able to get the OS to boot, i can still get onto Windows 7 Just fine, and quite honestly i don't want to have to wipe my Windows 10 and reinstall, any help would be really highly appreciated, as i have tried basically everything and my options are getting thin. Thank's in advance.