Windows 10 + ASUS Z170A-ATX - No USB ports functioning, won't restart or shut down, Windows now fails to load entirely


Jan 3, 2017
I have had serious issues with Windows 10 and possibly my motherboard ever since a system freeze the other night. I was playing a game (not a particularly taxing one), when the entire system froze. I had to do a manual shutdown by holding the power button and then I was off to bed.

The next day, I turned on the computer to find that the keyboard, mouse, webcam, and all other USB devices were not functioning. It was as if all of the USB ports were magically turned "off". This was a problem, as I only had USB devices, so I ordered a PS/2 keyboard and mouse to get back into the system. The system was also no longer completely shutting down or restarting. The screens would go black, but the fans and lights would all stay on. This will cause more issues later.

From there, the problems seemed to only get worse. I was able to uninstall all of the drivers for the USB, turn off the computer (forced to do a manual shutdown as the computer will no longer restart on its own), and boot back up but none of this helped. I could see that my xHCI Compliant Host Controller had a yellow exclamation point indicator and stated it had a Code 10 "device cannot start" and this went unchanged when uninstalling drivers, etc.

I kicked around a bit in the BIOS but did not see anything amiss. Note: my USB keyboard and mouse would not work in the BIOS or at any point since the USB ports seemingly all went down.

I reached out to Windows support and they had me attempt a clean reinstall, which failed. The PC will not reset on its own, so after waiting about an hour, I manually reset the PC and received an error message. I then attempted a full reset of the PC, keeping none of my files, which also failed, and now I receive an error message that the Windows install failed and it would attempt again upon restart. It then attempts to restart, fails, and when I eventually manually reset the PC, it simply gives the same message.

My original Windows install was through USB, and my PC does not have a disc drive besides an external USB DVD-ROM. I'm at a total loss here. I built this PC on my own, my first rig ever, so be kind.

I can't get into Windows 10, my USB ports are still not working, I can't reinstall Windows 10 through USB for that reason, and the computer still will not fully reset or power down when instructed. I did check all of the weird power settings on Windows 10 prior to being entirely locked out of it and turned off all the hybrid shutdown and fast foot stuff to no avail. I'm hoping somebody can help or point me in the right direction. This is incredibly frustrating, and I am yet to see good solutions for these problems on any of the other forums. I did notice the back and forth here seemed to have a lot more interesting takes on similar issues.

Here are my specs:
Intel i7-6700k
Corsair RMx 750w
32gb DDR4
Samsung 950 Pro 512gb SSD
MSI GeForce GTX 1070 Founder's Edition

I built the thing exclusively for gaming, so file loss, etc. wasn't a big deal to me. I haven't done anything wild like overclocking, still getting my footing in the whole PC gaming world.

For context: I built the rig in late September and have had zero issues up until this point, in which the issues were quickly catastrophic.


OK, here is where I am at now:

I do have standoffs in the case, so that should not be an issue.

Removing the graphics card did allow me to reinstall Windows through USB flash drive AND my USB mouse is now working. I can also see a USB keyboard in the Device Manager, but the keyboard itself is still nonresponsive. I still have the Code 10 issues with the xHCI Compliant Host Controller and the computer is still not completing restarts or shut downs on its own.

I'm in a lot better shape than when I wrote this post but am now about back to where I was before the Windows PC refresh failed and I was locked out.

Not sure what to do next.

Unfortunately, it does not. I've previously tried uninstalling and reinstalling the drivers to no avail, tried again just now, same result. Also went to the ASUS website and downloaded new drivers for the AsMedia compliant host controller, but the xHCI compliant host controller is still having the same issue. When I look at the Device Manager, I see the following under Universal Serial Bus controllers:

ASMedia USB Root Hub
AS Media USB3.1 eXtensible Host Controller (works fine, now using the latest driver from ASUS)
USB Composite Device
USB xHCI Compliant Host Controller (still has the yellow alert with Code 10. Unable to get things working by changing the driver it's using as one user did in the thread you linked to)

I'm hoping that this USB/driver issue has something to do with the inability for my PC to fully restart or shut down, as they both appeared at the same time.

It seems like there have been a few people in that thread and the others I've seen where some thing works for a few but not for the many.

Happy to provide anymore details that are needed, not sure if this is a lost cause at this point.


Still no luck.

I tried editing some of the driver files per that thread and it still would not accept them.

I'm not sure what changed to cause this device and driver to suddenly call it quits (I assume this has something to do with why the PC won't shut down or restart, as well) nor why I clean install wouldn't even give temporary relief. I tried to scale back the ASMedia drivers which had no effect. Intel does not seem to offer a driver for Windows 10 for the host controller, and I couldn't get the edited drivers for older versions to take.

Still only getting the single 3.1 port to work, no others.
Dear pinksheets/Paul NZ,

Was this problem ever solved?

I have pretty well exactly the same issues, including the Yellow Triangles with exclamation marks in them. {There is no 'device' attached which cannot start, just the driver itself.}
Suddenly during startup I see Mouse 0 and lower down 'No Keyboard Detected' and my heart sinks because I know I'm dead from then on, until I reformat and reinstall {through the PS2 port.}

ASUS X99 Strix MoBo and ASUS Strix Graphics board. I cannot try removing the graphics board to see if I get control back because the X99 has no HDMI port, non that I can find anyway.

So far I have been 'locked out' three times. I'm on my fourth reformat and reinstall of Win 10, and some software houses are getting, understandably, a bit twitchy about how many computers their product has been installed on. {It's repeatedly on the same one, but they are choosing to be suspicious.}
If history repeats, which I fear it will, I'll be reformatting/reinstalling again in early July, with all the associated annoyance and inconvenience, if no solution is forthcoming.

There is a USB Bios flashback button, could this help. I've never used a Bios Flash in over a decade of Wintel ownership on the basis of 'if it's not broke, don't fix it,' so, basically, I do not know what it does.

Somebody please help.

For Reference my Rig is:-
Intel Core i7 6800K s2011
8G Asus STRIX RX480 OC GAMING Graphics Card
500GB Samsung 960 Evo M.2 NVMe
Win10 Pro 64 DVD FQC-08929
16GB CMK16GX4M4B3000C15 DDR4
CORS CP-9020072-UK HX750i PSU
PaulNZ I just created an account moments ago to say thank you. On another thread ( you gave a solution to a problem that I was having that saved me tons of time and effort. I just want to express to you how grateful I am and I think you deserve at least my public recognition, for what it's worth, for the huge help that you've been to me and lots of others who were also having the same problem. Once again, thank you. : )

I'm getting similar behavior as you after I upgraded my BIOS.

windows does shutdown... but acts like the machine went into hibernation and not shutdown , when it reboots the login password area is GONE and my keyboard is not detected.. AT ALL.
I have to reboot by either the reboot button or force shutdown the computer using the button. Because shutting down the computer via windows only gets it stick in "restarting" or "shutting down".
Best part is how it asks me that there is unsaved data and others users might would lose data.

Rebooting resolves the issue until the next day.

My Specs

ASUS Z-170-A
Corsair Vengeance 16GB (2x8)
Crucial SSD 512Gb
Gigabyte GTX 1070 Gaming

I noticed all of us are using similar systems and processors, memories and even similar power supplies and motherboards.