Windows 10 back to windows 7


Dec 26, 2014
Hi, i have aquestion on windows 10....

i recently installed windows 10 Preview on my computer... it worked fine until i got an error saying that Start Menu and Cortana are not working....

i searched around the internet and they said there should be a tab in security and recovery on windows 10 saying "Recovery" but there isn't.

I don't want to lose all my Work....
Plese help me.

Best thing to do is grab a USB drive put anything important on it and than do a full system reset and see if that does the fix. If you did install from a previous windows like 7 or 8 there's a option to convert back to it as long as you kept your old windows files.

Log in with an administrator account and see what is there.

Actually i needed to make another User to be able to use Start menu and Cortana..... On my admin account it says That Start menu and Cortana aren't working....


The admin account is where that Recovery selection is.

i do not have a 461 GB Usb Stick.....

and i do not wan't to lose all my work.


but if Start menu does not work i cannot enter setting even when i press Start button + i


If that's the issue what windows did you come from ? and if so than you can roll back the windows and than try installing 10 again without losing everything also you can do a reset with windows 10 by keeping your files in a windows.old file.


I Deleted my Admin account and made another User..... that user account is now Admin..