Windows 10 BSOD after clean install restart.

Shawn Kelly

Jul 1, 2017
I have had this problem in the past and i thought i had fixed it but it has come back after starting my pc after a day of being shutdown my pc was very laggy so i went to restart and when my pc was booting back up i got a blue screen after the bsod windows was corrupted. so i did a fresh install it was working fine i downloaded some games and they worked, i went to restart and it did the same thing, while booting back up after restart i got a bsod and it was corrupted. Please help. thank you. i am also pretty sure it isnt a drive problem.

My specs:
250gb wd blue
1tb wd blue
gigabyte 1060 6gb
gigabyte ab350m gaming-3
ryzen 5 1600
16gb crucial ram
600w bronze evga psu

i have tested the ram for errors
crucial ballistix sport lt 16gb
and idk what you mean but i think its 2400mhz
1st Gen Ryzen platform is picky when it comes to RAM speeds specially with RAM that was not tested by manufacturers.
Did you select a RAM kit from Gigabyte Qualified Vendors List (QVL)?
What did you use to test the RAM for errors?
What's the ram model number?
In which slots did you install the RAM modules?
You could use CPU-Z to gather info about your RAM and other hardware in your system.
Or you could access the BIOS and check under Advanced Memory Settings .

i did not use the qvl but my ram is on it.
i used memtest86 to test for errors and there was none
BLS2K8G4D240FSB is model number and i have 2 sticks of 8gb
i put my ram in the two red/colored slots further from the cpu.

That RAM module is not listed on the QVL for the Gigabyte or any AMD AM4 motherboard.
If you go to Crucial support you will see that the ram is "Optimized for the latest Intel X99 platforms ...Intel® XMP 2.0 profiles..."
Download the latest BIOS for your motherboard, reset your BIOS to default and upgrade it.
The latest updates have some RAM improvements. that is the list i used and i will do the bios stuff, should i download the newest bios or just the one with the ddr improvments


Yes, you should download the latest BIOS

That QVL list is not for your motherboard CPU the way, that RAM is not listed there neither.

There are 3 QVL lists:
1st list - for Pinnacle Ridge, 2nd gen AMD Ryzen CPUs like Ryzen 5 2600
2nd list - for Raven Ridge, 2nd gen AMD Ryzen APUs (Ryzen CPUs with Vega graphics) like Ryzen 5 2400G,
3rd list - for Summit Ridge, 1st gen AMD Ryzen CPUs like Ryzen 5 1600,


after bios update and windows reinstall i am still having problems