Windows 10 can't detect second monitor


Aug 21, 2017
I've had 2 monitors for a while, both are connected into my GPU (GTX 1060 6GB) my newer one is connected via some kind of HDMI lead but it isn't a regular one (I don't remember what the model is called) and the other is connected via a DVI to DVI-D adaptor as my GPU doesn't have a DVI port. However although my second monitor can't be detected, I don't believe it has anything to do with the connections or the adaptor simply because when I unplug my main monitor the second boots up every time without fail, but with my main connected the second boots up seemingly randomly.

Although I have no proof that it is a Windows 10 issue as I haven't tried it on any other version of Windows, I can't see what else could be the issue since I know the monitor works and I know the connections are fine since it boots up whenever its the only thing connected to my GPU.

For those wondering my specs are;
CPU: i7-6700k
GPU: Nvidia GTX 1060 6GB
OS: Windows 10
PSU: 750w
Memory: 500GB SSD (with windows installed) 4TB HDD

First monitor is 2560x1440 and second is 1920x1080, however they can work in unison with different resolutions as they have before, its just that I installed a SSD and new HDD and have had to reinstall everything, they don't anymore. After getting the time to finally read your reply and do something about it, I did try turning down the resolution of my main monitor to 1920x1080 and then clicking detect but it didn't do anything, however I just tried unplugging my main then booting my pc up on the second then plugging my main back in and it does automatically detect my main in that situation however I can't use my main monitor when I do this as it won't let me move my mouse over to my main monitor.
I don't mean your Resolution when I'm asking about your display settings; that is a fairly common mistake. The display settings are the settings you see when you right click on your desktop and select Display settings. In those settings, are you extending the displays under the multiple displays header?

If so, then when you try moving your mouse over to your other monitor are you moving your mouse all the way to the left and the right? If the image in Display settings (the boxes with the numbers inside) doesn't correspond to how your monitors are placed in real life, your mouse might have to move right to show up on the left monitor!

when you press windows P which is your configuration duplicate or extend?

I did right click and go into display settings, and how can I set my monitor as extended or anything if it can't detect the second? The only time it did was when I had my main monitor disconnected from my pc then booted it up on my second and then reconnected my main only it doesn't allow for me to use it in that situation as when it is extended it doesn't allow me to use my main, duplicating isn't what I wanna do and the only other 2 options was to show monitor 1 or monitor 2 only, which also isn't what I want. Finally yes I was moving my mouse all the way to either side it just wasn't working.
Try unplugging one of the monitors from the graphics card and instead plug it into the motherboard. If that works, then go into your display settings and list what the refresh rate is for both monitors. While doing that, also list what monitor is using which cable.

Both monitor should have a service tag on the back of them. If you can list the make and model of each monitor and list what the refresh rate is, it would help a lot.

If you want to cut out the middle man, try this: