Windows 10 disk usage 100% when opening any programs

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Jul 26, 2013

I'm having problems with windows 10 i had the same problem with windows 8.1 but fixed it but i forgot what i did to fix that issue. So my disk usage goes to 100% when ever i start any program (foobar2000, skype, steam, opening file explorer, etc), making my pc almost unusable.

Before i installed windows 10 i had 8.1 and i also tested my hard drive (seagates and WD programs) if it had any problems and it didnt. Hard drive is not that old about a year or 2.

Attempts at fixing:

Clean boot, setting virtual memory to my rams numbers, disabling superfatch, windows search in services, used regedit to set superfetch and prefetch to number 0, using malwarebytes, avast, superantispyware non detected any viruses.
just see which program uses the most when it happens on taskmanager. You can click on the disk to put them from higher to lower usage and test it like this. Tell me the program it uses the most. Most probably an antivirus program scans everything u start since u use some of them as it seems or whatever. Either eay task manager and tell me the program with most use.
Task manager more details (if not already there) and on processes tab go on disk column and click it until its from the most usage program to the lowest. Then run a program and see what loads ur disk the most . Post that here.

the problem is that all the programs that i open make disk usage go to 100%, i also uninstalled my anti virus and the problem is still there, and i mean every program, game, app anything possible.

disable windows defender live stuff go start search for windows defender and on the settings disable the defender. Then check again if still there tell me the name of your disk.

It is WD Green, Model is WD20EZRX
Oh ok try the defender one then let me know most probably is the spin down of green disks. Thing its firmware based wich means we are only left with spin down of windows on this disk. Disable defender check the 100% and post me back to guie you to one last step. 100% is for how long though 1-2 sec or persists for more than 5 sec lets say..
Start ->search Control panel->system and security->power options-> click on high performance and then change plan settings .Then change advanced power setiings. On hard disk press the + and under turn off hard disk change it to 0 minutes wich means never. Green ones to save power have aggressive spin dows and head parking (head the one wich reads the platter) disable spin down of windows for starters like I told you to see if it fixes your problem. I wish you the best and keep me updated.

yea disabling Windows defender had no effect, its at 100% for few seconds about 10-20 and for the most of it i see process "System" taking 100% of the disk, sometimes it may take even 1 minute for disk usage to go back down under 10%.

Also i did Clean boot which means i stopped all of non Windows services and programs and disabled all startup programs and restarted pc, and still if i opened anything the disk usage went to 100%.
"Start ->search Control panel->system and security->power options-> click on high performance and then change plan settings .Then change advanced power setiings. On hard disk press the + and under turn off hard disk change it to 0 minutes wich means never".

mkay did both of these things now. and when i open programs like speccy or mozzila, disk usage still goes above 80%
ok system servise is the automated tasks auto defragment indexing services shadow copies etc etc windows update defender scans. It runs automatically so you can try disable a lot of them . I could help you do it if you want through teamviwer .
You have to disable scheduled defragmentation automatic updates and indexing services. you may disable bits ony though and may be fine. so lets try that out.
task manager then go on services tab then click open services on down left corner. Then search one service called backround intelligent transfer service and right click it and stop it then right click it again propertires and set it to disabled press ok then check again .

i have done most of those things alredy except for shadow copies thingy. Also which indexing services? So far i have desabled superfetch, prefetch, background intelligent transfer services alredy and that didnt fix it.

go on services and searc for indexing service else go to start and search for it and remoce all the indexing locations. Shadowcopies is systemrestor and backup support service you can disable system restore and disable automatic defragmentation right click on ur disk and go properties and then disable automatic maintenance where it says scheduling.

Have alredy done all of those things before but didnt help.
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