Windows 10 Feels Alot slower than 7???

Tyler Cooke

Jul 11, 2015
I have a kingston 128GB SSD that had windows 7 booting in 17 seconds, after doing a fresh install of windows 10, its around 28-30....Im feeling like my SSD has totally lost its edge...not sure why,

Would appreciate some help...

What processor do you have and how much ram? My desktop with an i5 2500K and 128GB SSD are blazing through Windows 10, that's the first thing I noticed. My laptop has an AMD A8 with 4GB ram and 1TB regular HDD and it runs way slower than it did on Windows 8.1. If you do have an AMD processor my guess is it could be drivers.

I have an i7 2600 at 3.4ghz
and 16gb of Samsung RAM at 1333hz.

When i went from normal hdd to a SSD on windows 7 i could feel the difference like crazy. Now it feels fast but not what it was...boot time is what hit me the most, a whole 16 more seconds to boot what should be a lighter more refined OS.
That doesn't sound at all right - I'm booting to desktop on an SSD in about 10 seconds...

Did you do a clean install or an upgrade? Perhaps try a clean install if you haven't already?

I'm noticing the same thing.
Boot times are WAAAAAAAY up and everything else is slow as f*ck. At least that is the case on my desktop... Other people are reporting that it's much faster not slower. Which makes me wonder... did they come from windows 7 or 8.1 I went from Windows 7 and comparatively Windows 7 was much faster. So I guess it depends on the system...

That's strange, it should be quite a bit quicker. Is the "Fast Startup" option turned on? To check the faster startup option, go to Control Panel, click on Choose What The Power Button Does, then click Change Settings That Are Currently Unavailable, turn on a checkbox which says Turn On Fast Startup. If that's not already on, then I'm not sure what's happening. You may go through the tedious process of uninstalling and reinstalling some programs, which I had to do since they were a bit buggy at first, like my Nvidia drivers and programs. You might also check your Device Manager and see if there are any devices that aren't working properly or don't have the proper drivers like my video card and sound card did.

Its annoying as hell, just feels as if theyve added all sorts of stuff thats constantly using my system to send and receive data. This is from a fresh install...So i guess im going to try and solve it or im going to do another fresh install. If all fails im back to 7.
It's probably due to some device initalizing slowly. Modern computers with SSD, if they boot so slowly, it's because they are waiting for some device and it's driver to complete.

Have you got fast startup on? By default it's on, and it wasn't available on W7. With it, every time you start the computer normally after normal shutdown, the system doesn't make a cold boot, but instead resumes the system part of Windows(kernel and drivers, excluding programs) from hibernated image. So if some device driver is faster to cold boot than to resume from such hybrid shutdown, it could be a cause.

If you restart the computer when it's on, does it then boot as fast as you'd like to? If yes, then probably the cause is drivers and the above, because when doing restart, it will make a cold boot. If not, then turning off fast startup is probably not going to help. (some basic explonation of fast startup, introduced in W8)

Another thing, W10 might have a bigger swap since it's now mostly with default settings. I recall since Vista or at latest W7, by default Windows will scrub the swap file/s and hibernate file as they contain data from memory. If they are large enough, it might cause some delay even with SSD. You can turn off hibernate option and delete the file, and set temporarely a small swap file. I vaguely remember the files might be swept when shutting down, but they can also be swept when starting.

Windows has performance monitoring capabilities than can be used to figure out what phase in startup is taking how much time. I've been using XP for long which didnt't have that stuff, so here's just a link for some details about the system. I think it's found in the same place as in W8.

It will take some time to look through but should be pretty straightforward. On my computer typical causes for increased boot time are caused mostly by Search Indexer and that antivirus thing.(on Windows GUI it's Windows Defender but in logs it's referred Antimalware Service) And this performance feature writing the logs automatically compares the executing time of each phase or device, againts the average time of that, on each computer.
I'm not using the fast startup as my computer takes many minutes to boot anyway due to post memory test, I don't know if with fast startup, is there is similiar log, because with it, the system should resume by just reading the whole kernel with drivers from disk. It might have something? Because when I do full hibernate like I did just now, there is nothing on the logs about how long it took to resume from hibernate.

But like I said about, it might be some driver does not like being resumed so that will take longer or maybe the driver stalls and crashes, and is restarted. Some external devices are known to be difficult with regular hibernate too.

I restated and it actually took 1 second longer...

I updgraded from win 7 to 10 and it went from 18 to 24. So i thought ill do a fresh install, and now its worse, at 30-32 seconds and the windows seems a bit slower than normal..

I tried with fast startup on and off and no difference. Maybe i should try a fresh install again???
My machine has been upgraded from Windows 7 as of last night and is suffering from similar problems. My boot time has slowed by about 40%. I'm on 10 pro 64-bit. Quad core i7 @ 2.10GHz, 8G ram.

Quite annoying. Might be reverting to Windows 7 if this persists. Is it a case that Microsoft will eventually roll out fixes that improves performance on upgraded machines? I'm not familiar with how this usually works.
Lol. I don't care if windows 7 isn't really supported anymore. The truth of the mater. After getting an I7 7700K I needed to switch to windows 10. But you know what.

For the bloody headache, stress, extra load and extra data windows 10 uses. I mine as well just game on Linux.
Linux doesn't have all this bs stuff. On an SSD you'll probably boot in less than 2 seconds.

Your idle usage for RAM and CPU will also probably be less than 10-25%

I've had wayyy to many issues with windows 10....Closes game, computer lags so hard it becomes unusable. Must reboot PC to make pc be usable.

16 GB of ram 2133MHz
I7 7700K Quad core 4.2GHZ.

and I get lag after closing a game WTF. Not to mention I should be able to multitask like there is no tomorrow. Well. I cant. It's to bloody laggy.

SETS bomb on ground for 10 seconds.
You guys wont be able to fix the bomb, because you cant get the code to steal and remake.