Windows 10 frequent random blue screens


Dec 27, 2017
A new build running into frequent blue screens

MSI Z370 Gamin pro carbon
32gt Kingston hyperx predator ddr4 2666hz 13cl
Corsair AX760, 80 PLUS Platinum
Asus Strix GTX1080Ti
2x M.2 Samsung 960 EVO
Windows 10 pro

On the first run, windows installed without any problems, managed to install almost every piece of software and updates before first blue screen which then became more frequent among the following three PAGE_FAULT_IN_NONPAGED_AREA (most frequent), DRIVER_IRQL_NOT_LESS_OR_EQUAL, CRITICAL_SERVICE_FAILED (rarely during startup).

Blue screens appear from anywhere within 5 seconds from each others to 15 minutes. With luck the span can go further when idle on windows desktop.

-Ran memtest86 overnight with 0 erros.
-Tried clean install without the GTX and just one of the M.2 connected, made no difference
-Clean boot made no difference either
-Check disk and system scan returned no erros.

All drivers are up to date and newest firmware installed.

Everything seems to be running smoothly in safe mode, or atleast has not caused a single blue screen so far.

Any help would be appreciated
No overclocking correct? BIOS is updated? (could be loading a bad memory profile), factory reset BIOS.

Well, despite you having run memtest (it doesn't always catch everything), just based off personal experience I still believe it's a RAM issue especially with the BSOD constantly changing, instead of being the same message over and over. It's time consuming, but you'll have to go through one by one to be absolutely sure. Not sure how many RAM sticks you have, but remove all but one, make sure it's in the correct slot for running with one stick, and just run off that for a while. If nothing happens after an amount of time you're content with, mark it as OK, and switch to another stick and repeat.

Someone else may chime with some other things you can try.

No overclocking, BIOS updated, tried resetting as well.

2 sticks of ram and ran them both separately as well, still getting the same result. Suppose time to get another set of ram to test with.

Both run individually with the same results? Now that is odd. I find it highly unlikely that both sticks are bad, but I guess stranger things have happened. Perhaps you can find a friend with some that'll let you borrow them so you don't have to buy more? Or even test your sticks in their computer. Assuming you can find someone anyways.

Perhaps the motherboard is faulty in some manner.
try trial by elimination. go press "winkey+r" and type "msconfig". go to services tab. hide all microsoft services. disable all. restart. see if everything is working normally. then start slowly checking one service at a time to run. and repeat the process until you get the BSOD again. im betting its your nvidia. if it is, do download DDU. and go to safemode. and run DDU there clean it. restart. install latest nvidia driver upon normal startup.

Yup, as mentioned done that.. made no difference what so ever, still got a bluescreen after 15mins or so.
so it failed even with all the services turned off. you did say it worked fine in safemode. then remove all USB devices with all services turned off? your blue screen errors are related to device drivers not working properly. you can find it in your Event Viewer to see which exact driver file is causing the BSOD. i would recommend doing a clean install of your windows and all your mobos drivers from its support website if all else fails. but if you already did that, then try replacing your RAM and/or running without your GPU. try running it wiht your integrated graphics.

Yes, it failed with all but the MS services turned off.
Not really that familiar with the Event Viewer as to tell which driver file caused the error.
If you can shed any light on this would be appreaciated

Only usb device i have is the keyboard/mouse reciever.

Tried all of the mentioned but replacing RAM.
you can popup the event viewer by pressing "winkey+xv". on the left side navigation tree. go to custom views. administrative events. just scroll down towards the times your PC will crash. and see if its consistent with the other times that you crashed. if you dont see anything there, then it could be on the BIOS/hardware level and not on the driver.
Seems to be the processor, tested another motherboard with no difference in results.
Under clocking the processor however did the trick (0 blue screens so far). Will still have to see if turning the volts way up on default clocks would help
Defective processor, that's rare. At that point you've got nothing left to lose by playing with the voltages and clocks since iirc the warranty on a processor is void the day you take it out of the packaging.
Playing with the voltage made no difference. Although should have mentioned in the earlier post that the cores were also turned down to 1.
Bumping cores back up to all 6 returned the blue screens. 4 cores in use still seem to provide an stable environment with default clock speeds and voltage.

Unfortunately no, just the amount of cores in use. 4 is as high as i can go.