Windows 10 from hdd to ssd


Nov 2, 2013
im new to this so i know nothing, so i got a 120gb ssd today to put windows 10 on, i want to tranfer it from my hdd to it as thats my only option,i have set it up and i can put files on it, i tried easyus to tranfer it over but couldnt get it to work cause it said i had no partition space, so now im lost, any help on a good programme to use to tranfer win10 to my ssd easily would be great. cheers

If you want to Clone your drive, I would recommend Ghosting your Hard Drive, which makes a block for block copy of your disk, this you can do using either Hirens Boot CD (there are a few HD Clone tools included under Hard Drive tools), or you can download Symantec's Ghost Solution (you might have to fill out a form to be able to download the trial - don't know how good the Trial version will be compared to the paid version.).

P.s. I have used Hirens Boot CD quite a few times already to clone - works like a dream (for me atleast).

A full list of what is included in the Latest Hirens Boot CD:

Check it out, and let me know if you have...

If you want to Clone your drive, I would recommend Ghosting your Hard Drive, which makes a block for block copy of your disk, this you can do using either Hirens Boot CD (there are a few HD Clone tools included under Hard Drive tools), or you can download Symantec's Ghost Solution (you might have to fill out a form to be able to download the trial - don't know how good the Trial version will be compared to the paid version.).

P.s. I have used Hirens Boot CD quite a few times already to clone - works like a dream (for me atleast).

A full list of what is included in the Latest Hirens Boot CD:

Check it out, and let me know if you have any questions, regards