[SOLVED] Windows 10 full reset did not clear some settings

Jul 4, 2020
Recently, I was experiencing some performance issues with my Dell laptop, so I decided to reinstall Windows. I chose to remove all files and clean the drive. The disk was cleaned and then Windows was reinstalled normally. However, when I signed in and was on the desktop, I noticed two desktop.ini files which are hidden by default. I then checked the file explorer options and found that they were exactly as I had left them and not the defaults. The power options in control panel were also not reset and were exactly as I had left them before resetting my laptop. I have similar settings on my desktop, so if these settings were synced through Microsoft accounts then that would explain it. I didn't think that system settings were synced across devices. My question is, what would cause this to happen? If certain settings did not reset, what else could remain?
Thanks in advance
You can disable the feature in settings/accounts/Sync your settings - it has variable options or you can just disable it all
The following settings groups are available for end users to enable/disable settings sync on Windows 10 devices.

  • Theme: desktop background, user tile, taskbar position, etc.
  • Internet Explorer Settings: browsing history, typed URLs, favorites, etc.
  • Passwords: Windows credential manager, including Wi-Fi profiles
  • Language Preferences: spelling dictionary, system language settings
  • Ease of Access: narrator, on-screen keyboard, magnifier
  • Other Windows Settings: see Windows Settings details
  • Microsoft Edge browser setting: Microsoft Edge favorites, reading list, and other settings
You can disable the feature in settings/accounts/Sync your settings - it has variable options or you can just disable it all
The following settings groups are available for end users to enable/disable settings sync on Windows 10 devices.

  • Theme: desktop background, user tile, taskbar position, etc.
  • Internet Explorer Settings: browsing history, typed URLs, favorites, etc.
  • Passwords: Windows credential manager, including Wi-Fi profiles
  • Language Preferences: spelling dictionary, system language settings
  • Ease of Access: narrator, on-screen keyboard, magnifier
  • Other Windows Settings: see Windows Settings details
  • Microsoft Edge browser setting: Microsoft Edge favorites, reading list, and other settings
How to remove the Profile from the cloud - https://www.tenforums.com/tutorials...ngs-windows-10-devices-microsoft-account.html