Question Windows 10 home/enterprise or 11 for 64 core workloads

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Nov 18, 2018
Would there be any preference between 10 home/pro and 10 enterprise or even windows 11 for up to 64 core constant max utilization work load? (Threadripper 3990x) I heard various things about enterprise allocating the cores properly but also that the latest version of 10 home does the same now. I also may just be misunderstanding. Ty!
Unless you are a company with several hundred users you cannot legally obtain a license for Windows Enterprise so that's off the table immediately. The home & pro versions are identical except that pro contains features that allow for joining of domains and other corporate functions not required for home use.
We thought you were giving up on the 3990x:
Yeah but then I just said I’ll keep the 64 lol. Considering now getting the 32 core TR 7975wx! Super expensive considering though when factoring 1600+ for 512 of rdimm ddr5 and 1k mother board
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Would there be any preference between 10 home/pro and 10 enterprise or even windows 11 for up to 64 core constant max utilization work load? (Threadripper 3990x) I heard various things about enterprise allocating the cores properly but also that the latest version of 10 home does the same now. I also may just be misunderstanding. Ty!
There is also Windows Workstation ... It has slightly different hardware limitations, compared to Pro.
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