Windows 10 Hosted Network Not Allowing Connection To Internet


Dec 26, 2012
I previously had a hosted network set up where it worked perfectly and had less then 5 devices connected to it, however my computer automatically updated and now the hosted network will not allow devices to connect to the internet. In the status window of the hosted network, it says that the ipv4 is connected to the internet, however the ipv6 is not. This is how it was before and it was working just fine, however since my computer updated itself, it is now not working.

Just wondering if anyone has any solutions for this.

Your direction of conversation seems to be "the computer updated, tell me the fix to what Microsoft changed on my computer". Sadly it normally isn't that 'cut and dry' especially for something a 'hard unique' setup solution that is mimicing a common device : a router. Your making your PC a Wireless Router, not sure why you are doing that instead of just using a ROUTER with Wifi installed (they are incredibly cheap) and connect all the devices that way? Much simpler and always reliable.

That said, if your insistive on doing this 'hard' solution, then I would suggest going through the entire setup routine again, from scratch, and see what happens along the way.[ If you come across a service or such that won't turn on, that will narrow down what you need to investigate.

But again, to connect the wireless devices to the same connection as your wired (I am guessing) Windows 10 computer, the quick go to the store, plug it in, turn it on solution is a Wireless Router.
Thanks for the reply. Using the hosted network to boost the wifi signal as I am living in a residence with a horrible signal.

I managed to fix the problem by putting "netsh winsock reset" into command prompt and restarting the computer.