Windows 10 Installation Error


Jul 20, 2017
I am currently attempting to download Windows 10 on my new computer (using the USB media creation tool) , but after I enter the serial number, select "Custom Install", select my drive (I have only one) and hit next, the screen just loads for a bit and a message pops on the bottom saying "We couldn't install Windows in the location you chose. Please check your media drive. Here's more info about what happened: 0x80300002"

I've tried a different USB, a different SATA port, and I also tried making a new partition it can't make one...
Does it ask you to select file system when you create the media? If not, then no. Many USBs formatted FAT32. It is possible that your Tool did not create right. At this point, you don't have much choice, try to create new USB media. You can format it prior if you want. Also make sure you don't have any disks in the DVD/CD drive and disconnect all other USB devices, except your Bootable USB. You can also go from BIOS and make sure you click on your USB drive and it boots from it and not something else.
I am totally confused by your post. First of all- Media Creation Tool is not supposed to Install Windows, it supposed to create the Bootable USB. You say, "I select my drive- I have only one". You should select your USB drive and create bootable installer USB drive first. At this point it should not ask you for the serial number. In fact you don't have to enter serial number to install Windows even after you have your installer media. But create your USB drive first, then install Windows on Hard Drive that you have.

Sorry, now that I read it again it doesn't make that much sense... By the media creation tool, I meant the Bootable USB. I created the USB on my laptop and booted it on my computer, it then brought me to a screen that asked me to chose the Language. After that it had a Install Now button and then I need to put my key for windows 10 in. When that's complete, it asks me to select where I want to install windows in, that's where I get the error.

Wait does the bootable USB's file system have to be NTFS?
Does it ask you to select file system when you create the media? If not, then no. Many USBs formatted FAT32. It is possible that your Tool did not create right. At this point, you don't have much choice, try to create new USB media. You can format it prior if you want. Also make sure you don't have any disks in the DVD/CD drive and disconnect all other USB devices, except your Bootable USB. You can also go from BIOS and make sure you click on your USB drive and it boots from it and not something else.

Ok, I will try that. I appreciate the help!