Windows 10 Keeps Crashing.


Mar 7, 2015
Alright so I'm pretty pissed right now, I installed windows 10 forever ago on my main pc and it ran beautifully I wasn't experiencing problems like other people that i've heard about, but this morning around 8AM my pc decided to crash, was watching hulu on my left monitor and playing a little flash game on my right monitor, windows crashed and the message popped up "memory management failure" also my pc just crashed again while typing this, literatly just crashed as i was typing this. with a different message somthing about "memory securtiy kernal" and ive also got another crash that said "Critical process died" i've done research and googled a crap ton but i just gave up 2 hours later, anyone have any suggestions? i'd prefer to keep my data.... and if the memory management is suggested as my RAM, this RAM is less than a year old.
The memory failure message most likely means that something running in memory caused the crash. Has any new software (driver specifically) been installed recently?

If you can upload the crash dump file somewhere, I will analyze it for you. I have come across a few quick fix solutions this week after looking at dump files - it's possible that it is a memory module but highly unlikely.
The memory failure message most likely means that something running in memory caused the crash. Has any new software (driver specifically) been installed recently?

If you can upload the crash dump file somewhere, I will analyze it for you. I have come across a few quick fix solutions this week after looking at dump files - it's possible that it is a memory module but highly unlikely.

if you could explain how to get ahold of the crash dump files i would gladly upload them/ post them.

what do you think would cause a mobo failure? its a z97-e mobo from ASUS

The log file will be %systemroot%\Minidump which is normally C:\windows\Minidump


Alright i have the file, but its large to just post in this thread, is there another place you would like me post it? also i removed 2/4 RAM sticks and it seems to be fine atm, but im sure it will crash agian.

There's a few ways. You could use Dropbox or Google Drive and share it.
There are a number of things that could cause a motherboard failure. Power fluctuations, over-heating, short circuiting, etc. It could also just be a bad RAM module.

It's also quite possible the issue lies in some bit of software that was recently installed/updated as R4lNM4N suggests.

-Wolf sends

Sorry for taking so long, my college class's just ended. i believe i've fixed the issue now, i reseated the RAM and it works fine now for some reason..... thank you for trying to help me, and your ideas did help, i also unistalled a update to my graphics card, fingers crossed they fix the issue

Thank you for the suggestions, i actually think the RAM did have a part in it, i booted with only 2 sticks of RAM and it worked fine but at that time i also uninstalled a update my graphics card so its hard to tell what fixed it, i also replaced the 2 sticks that i took out. Agian thank you for your help.
Windows 10 is still occasionally giving me these memory errors and crashing. For me it is NOT hardware as it ran fine with Windows 8 for three years.

*Windows 10 still has issues. It's gotten more stable every month since RTM but it's still causing problems for me and others I know.

I suspect an update will come out soon and then I'll simply stop crashing (it's once a day or more).