Windows 10 language stuck in Japanese


Mar 6, 2014
Hi all,

As stated in the title, my Windows 10 language is stuck in Japanese. I originally downloaded the Japanese language pack and set it as the locale system thing for unicode characters. I did this because it was required for getting Japanese lettering to appear in certain files, so that a certain program could translate them correctly (it's a long story, but I did need to do it). But it started to get annoying as it was affecting some of the motherboard software I use, like Ai Suite 3, it's all in Japanese and I can't understand it...

So I decided to just reset the system locale thing to English UK, simple enough right? Nope, when I restarted my PC, everything went Japanese. I've managed to watch some videos on YT and use Google Translate on my phone, using the camera, to figure out where stuff is to change all the language settings. I've been into the Windows 10 settings and changed everything there to English US or UK, except there's one stubborn setting that keeps reverting to Japanese when I come out of it. Can't tell you what it is though, but it's the second drop down list when you go into Language and Region settings, above where you'd press the + to add a language.

I also went into control panel and to the language settings from there (or the "advanced" settings) and changed everything I possibly can on the 3 tabs to English US or UK. Those have stayed as they are, not reverted to Japanese. It's just that one setting that's staying Japanese.

I can't add any languages either, pressing the + button and trying to add any language at all just does nothing, I press install and nothing happens. It's also not listing any of the languages that were there before, which were English (US), English (UK) and Japanese. Now it's just blank.

I can change the language in the bottom right of my taskbar to English US, but there's no UK option, but that's just keyboard input, right?

Basically I need some way to just reset all my language settings, even if it resets my system clock and all that, I just want it to be in English again...
Ok I mostly fixed it by going into HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Control\MUI\UILanguages and deleting the folder for Japanese. I can actually navigate Windows properly now. Some stuff is still in Japanese though, like the Windows Store. I never use it, but it still means somewhere, something is telling Windows to use Japanese.

If I go into control panel and to region settings, then to the Administrative tab and open Copy settings, I can see that under Current user it's saying my display language is Japanese. Also I have a load of different English keyboard layouts that I can't get rid of, like English (New Zealand)

EDIT: All Windows 10 apps are still in Japanese. Also my display language keeps resetting from English (UK) to English (US), no biggie but why?
Look in settings/accounts/sync your settings and see if language preferences are set to On. Try turning them off and see if it keeps resetting back to English (US) - its possibly your roaming profile on MS servers has the kb set as US. US is also default language and tends to auto install itself if removed.

You can delete what is stored on your account via this:

Have you tried making a new local user? curious what language they get started as -

Sorry for the late response, will try these things when I get the chance. At the moment I can deal with a few things being in Japanese