Windows 10 laptop having issues with known good WiFi


Jan 22, 2015
Hi there,

We just got back to our winter home and I reconnected to ATT DSL internet service. We've had ATT for some time, and last year I got a new Pace 4111N modem/router from them. It worked just fine with my Sony laptops (Windows 7 and Windows 8.1), my Android phone, my Roku, etc.

When we reconnect, I have to call and get ATT to activate the service. I plug in the modem, the lights come on and when I try to connect, it takes me to an ATT redirect screen, and then I call them and we go through a process to activate. I did this with my Sony Vaio SVF13N13CXB ultrabook (the 8.1 mentioned above, now upgraded to Windows 10). I did it wirelessly, and it went just fine. The modem has a couple of stickers on it, one with the serial, model, device access #'s, which looks like a factory applied sticker. The other side of the modem has a sticker which ATT applied that has the SSID and security key. I have always used that security key, but this time the ATT tech had me reset the modem and use the Pace device access number. As I said, I connected with no problem. My wifi adapter is an Intel Dual Band Wireless-N 7260.

I then tried to connect my wife's iPhone 6S, but it wouldn't take. The tech had me go into the modem's IP address and dial down to a setting for a custom access code, where we changed it back to the security key on the ATT sticker. The iPhone took that key successfully, as did my Samsung Note 4 and my Windows 7 laptop. But now my Windows 10 box wouldn't connect. We tried a bunch of things, but to no avail. He suggested that it was Windows 10 and that I should call Microsoft. He did give me a number to ATT support and said if MS couldn't help (or wanted to charge me a bunch of money) to call them. I just called that number, anyway. I went through a few steps with that tech and when she finally put me on hold, to do some research, she came back and had me go into my WiFi properties (Start>Settings>Networking>WiFi>Change Adapter Options>right click the WiFi icon>Properties> uncheck Internet Protocol v.6. I did that , and I was able to connect with my W 10 laptop.

So, it was late, and I went to bed. I woke the next morning and when I went to connect, there was no connection. I clicked my wifi icon and it brought up available networks and now there was my connection name and my connection name with a 2 behind it. I tried both connections, but got the message, "Can't connect to this network". In this process, I "Forgot" both networks in settings.

I called ATT back and went through a bunch of steps, again, pretty much like I've described above. Nothing worked, and again Windows 10 was blamed. This time I got an MS contact #. I called MS and the guy went through a bunch of steps, such as uninstalling my Network Adapter>restart. That didn't do it. I told him that all of my other devices were connecting successfully. He finally suggested that I disconnect the Windows 7 laptop. I did that and I was able to get the W 10 laptop connected. When I clicked the wifi icon and the available networks popped up, I chose mine, entered key and connected, but when it connected, it added the "my name 2" network.

So, I surfed just fine, and went to bed this second night. My laptop went to sleep, and dropped the connection. I clicked to connect again and got the "Can't connect...." message again. I think it was this time that I unchecked the "Connect Automatically" box and when I clicked connect, it worked.

This morning, I was disconnected again, after sleep mode, so I tried to connect and was not successful. I tried all of the steps I've mentioned above: restart laptop, restart modem, uninstall network adapter, check/uncheck connect automatically, all of the security keys, uncheck IP protocol v.6, and nothing worked. I thought, maybe I'll connect and disconnect the Windows 7 laptop, and lo and behold, I'm able to connect. On connecting, the "my name 2" showed up again.

I apologize for the novel, but I'm hoping that someone might be able to glean a clue out of all of the processes, as there have been a couple of scenarios that allowed me successful connection. The only one that has repeated is the disconnection of the Windows 7 laptop.

I have a MS Surface Book coming this week, which will be running Windows 10, so I will be able to substantiate if this is, indeed, a Windows 10 problem. I will certainly update if this is the case.

Thanks for any thoughts on this matter!


Well, #2 seems to have done some good. I let the laptop go to sleep and when I woke it up, I was disconnected. I chose "my name" and it told me it couldn't connect, but when I chose "my name 2", it connected. I'll run with this, and see if it sticks.

I'll update after a couple of turns, if successful.

Well, the connection dropped on it's own, without laptop going to sleep. I couldn't reconnect from W 10 laptop, so I went up and connected the W 7 laptop, clicked a couple of pages and disconnected. Came back and was able to connect to "my name" (not "my name 2"). I've got the workaround, for now.

I think I'll try the command prompt(s) from the youtube link.

Thanks again,
Does restarting the laptop have any effect? A 2nd computer, regardless of OS shouldn't create an issue for Windows (any version) reconnecting to the network. I know if a device goes to sleep (or the network adapter goes to sleep) from inactivity, the router can issue the IP address to another computer (connecting after you go offline).

I had issues with my phones having this problem on my home network. I setup all devices to use specific IP addresses (reserve the IP address with the MAC address displayed on the router). That solved the problem for me....You might give that a try.

I got up this morning and my connection was down, after laptop went to sleep. I still had the "my name" and the "my name 2" connections available. I tried "my name" and got the can't connect message, so I tried "2" and got that message, too. I then went to control panel>wifi and thought I'd try to troubleshoot. I tried "my name" and it came back with no issues (even though it wouldn't connect). Then I brought up "my name 2" to troubleshoot, but it showed that I was connected (even though I got the "can't connect" message when trying to connect). I went to my browser and I'm connected.

I did modify the power management setting (Step 2, above) and that seems to have helped. I tried the command prompt stuff, but it didn't recognize me as administrator. I'll try that again, if problem persists. I am going to click the "solved" button, as this did seem to help, BTW.

I'm just curious as to what's going on, at this point, since we're doing OK with the workaround.

I agree with you regarding other device, but it was the one thing that was able to be repeated.

Update: laptop went to sleep, lost connection, wouldn't reconnect. Tried connecting, and troubleshooting connection, no avail. Tried disconnecting W7 again, wouldn't connect, but did connect when troubleshot.

I'm leaning toward issues with the modem, at this point, since the W7 connection seems to affect things.
