windows 10 memmory randomly full


Jul 27, 2014
Hello there.

Since some weeks I been having an issue on my pc, when I boot the pc i have around 30% used on background/windows stuff, after play some games, watch videos, go to google or anyting I do, out of no where I start feeling pc slow and hanging, than when I check the task manager, I realize most of my memmory is under use, some times up to 91% even after I close everything the memory doesnt go down, and If i check every single open process on the task manager and sum them all, it never goes above the normal 30%, but pc stil shows somehow 90+ as used ...

I have a Windows 10, i7 3820, Asrock X79 extreme 6, 2x4 GB DDR 4, OCZ Vertex 3 as my windows/program file drive, another OCZ Vertex 3 for the usual games and have other drive for downloads/videos etc., also have a HD 7970 Ghz Edition graphic card. (updated with the released recomended drivers and also already tried with the updated "optional" drivers, but notice no difference on this issue)

I checked the forums, youtube etc, already tried kill the "superfetch" process as some recomended elsewhere, but stil mantain the issue.

I have a couple screenshots to show here, they are as:

PC "bugged" you can see the amount memory i have use and how much it "thinks" is under use
link to image

PC after reboot, same process but now memory is normal
link to image

PC during gaming, is all fine
link to image

PC duing a chorme session with just one tab open, showing 11 process (is this normal?)
link to image

I'm open to any ideas, i realy have no clue what else to try to fix this, since if the problema is unknown (for me), there is no assurance if i reinstall windows the problem wont persist.



Win 11 Master
image 1:

Image 2:

Memory leaks are often drivers, question here is it it filling ram or page file, as Windows 10 sees both as memory. You might want to download Download Process explorer and run it as admin (it comes from Microsoft so its safe)

the default view is tree structure meaning like your task manager screen, it will show what processes are under each service, but unlike task manager, it shows the ram usage of each part so you can see what is eating your ram

Private bytes = actual ram usage
Working set = Ram + page file usage

This page shows what all the colours and headings mean, link at bottom of it shows how to use it to find problems. You can right click headers and run an av scan from within the program.

See if you can identify if its ram or page file + ram, as if its a driver, its likely to only show in ram, as the non paged pool is where drivers are loaded.
Memory leaks are when drivers keep requesting memory and not releasing it to the system once its finished, You can run out of memory while having free ram. AS PC can only promise so many resources to a process before it runs out completely.

Image 3:

This seems fairly normal with game running.

Image 4:

Depends, how many chrome add ones, how many YouTube tabs?

You might want to look into a program called Poolmon, it might help you figure out whats chewing ram.


Jul 27, 2014
Hello there.

Thanks for replying me.

I tried the first software you suggested, run it first time i started pc today and never closed it, and went play a bit, google as usual etc, and now bam! memory jumped when all is closed, i took a screenshot showing all the info that software shows, since I dont realy understand what is telling me, maybe you can "decode" it, if that stil gives no useful info, i will try the second one.

link to image

EDIT: 10 minuts after this post, i noticed the "nonpaged" memory grown even more, grown near 400 MB and i did nothing besides have the same tabs open on chrome and chrome stil have around the same memory consume


Win 11 Master
looks like a memory leak of a driver. figuring out which is the next step. Non paged area is the ram used by drivers. They have to run in ram.
Did you run process explorer as Admin as it will show more files. right click the icon and choose more/run as admin. Can also set it to run as admin in options.

Your motherboard only has 2 win 10 drivers so that makes it difficult to update drivers.

Does it happen if you don't use Chrome? what add ons do you use in chrome?

See if this helps:



Jul 27, 2014
as I was recomended earlier, I always run the program as Admin (right-click on the 62 version .exe and choose "run as admin" )

at the moment the program shows a "memory compression" using 360MB when i mouse over it, says "path, a device connected to system isn't working properly"

but when I check the Device Manager, it has no warnings

I downloaded a thing called "Driver Booster" it did updated several drivers, rebooted pc (as it recomended), but issue apeared later.

about chrome I ran with addons of: "google offline documents " (no clue that is, is from default i think), "Download Manager", "Fair Adblocker", "Flash Video Downloader", "Kaspersky Protection"

but you did made me wonder about this, since im used to use chrome all the time (got disapointed with firefox some updated ago), i should try out my daily usage of pc but runing another browser to give it a try

i downloaded your "RAMMAP" software it shows this info
Total: 8 337 944k
Mapped file: 3 485 716k
Process Private: 1 853 264k
Nonpaged Pool 1 806 264k
Metafile 453 308k
Paged pool 377 084k

all other things are under 100k

and on this moment all i had was this tab open on chrome, the rammap runing and the Process Explorer (as admin)

i go tryout the Poolmoon to provide further info, see if we are able to solve this.


Win 11 Master
I wouldn't recommend driver booster, it can and will install the wrong drivers. I used it before, and it installed wrong audio drivers on PC and I lost sound. Its only upside is it creates a restore point before it installs anything so I just rolled back. It might be useful for suggestions but I would try to find drivers without using it directly

I should have noticed you ran as admin, sorry about that.

memory compression is windows 10 at work. What it does is instead of writing any data from recently closed programs to hdd/ssd, it will compress them into ram until you either need that ram for a program or you turning PC off. If you re open the program that memory is associated with, its far faster to decompress it from ram than to retrieve it from page file. If you look on the memory tab in Task manager/performance it should show how much is compressed in brackets after the In use figure.


Jul 27, 2014

Im back with more information to share.

Today I did not opened chrome once, just played Elder Scrolls Online and than Overwatch and memory got realy high (90% or so), than I went to chrome to search further about poolmoon and found a link where I could download its .exe as a standalone and I ran it, found a file named AfdB using a lot of Nonp (assume is non pool memory)

Link to picture

but I tried use the trick i found on web to track the thing, which was: findstr /s AfdB *.sys

But cant realy find it, get a lot of weird symbols and text on the comand prompt window, further googling someone said this was related to a network driver, so what else can be my next step?


Win 11 Master
afd data buffer (can find it linked to poolmon). Afd.sys is a file that is associated with the Ancillary Function Driver for WinSock component of Windows. tied into network adaptor

who are your lan drivers from?

afd.sys, which is part of the TCP/IP stack in Microsoft Windows, contains a memory leak in many versions of the driver.

afd.sys, which is part of the TCP/IP stack in Microsoft Windows, contains a memory leak in many versions of the driver. This leak can result in Windows consuming more and more memory as part of its Pool Nonpaged application under certain circumstances when InterBase is connected.

some suggestions are to check ram as well.


Jul 27, 2014
Hello again.

Well i have this:
link to motherboard info

Have the on-board RJ45 and that special extra card RJ45 port, i switch them once in a while, both have same speed and issues though

But i do not have that XFAN Lan or any of the X apps installed since i updated to windows 10 (during that free-migration time) so they were very old and new one had to buy and whateva (and never noticed any difference to be honest)

i started pc today, came check this forum, launched the Process Explorer x64 on admin, and pc was at 50% memory (normal i assume), ran poolmon and took a new screenshot showing that current AFDB consume

link to image

you mention to check the ram, in which particular way or software should I use, to be able provide further information ?

thanks a lot for the time you been taking with this.

update: after i closed the chrome memory went from 4GB used to 3.5GB and while im writing this, went to 4GB again, so chrome itself is using 500MB on this page alone and the other 3.5GB are used with windows


Win 11 Master
Download memtest86 and use it to create a bootable USB drive. Check each memory stick individually, 1 stick at a time, up to 8 passes. Only error count you want is 0, any higher means stick should be removed/replaced as its going bad,

seems the broadcom drivers can come from intel but haven't been updated in 8 years. wonder how old drivers you are using are, Intel only has 2 and the other one is older. You probably using Microsoft drivers

Chrome uses about 1gb on my PC. My usage drops from 25% to 19% once i shut chrome. 3.6gb used with chrome open, 2.9gb with it closed but i do have other things running such as discord and word.