Windows 10 Movies and TV brightness increase in fullscreen

Feb 9, 2019
So I have a desktop and a laptop that I tend to watch shows and movies on a great deal, on the desktop everything is fine, but on the laptop the exposure or brightness (not sure which) is amplified on full screen. In bright scenes its difficult to see outlines or details because of bright areas. When I change to windowed mode the brightness goes back to normal. I've tried changing the brightness with the keyboard controls but it doesn't affect the videos. It isn't a problem in media player, but media player is a less than satisfactory alternative in my opinion. Any help would be greatly appreciated.

Edit: When I took a screenshot the brightness was back to normal.
My screen resolution is 1366x768 and most of my videos are 720p or 1080p.
Manually changing the resolution to 1280x720 fixes the brightness issue so I think it may just be a resolution derp. It's a mildly inconvenient fix.
Turn off Adaptive brightness in the power option settings
Go to All Settings>System>Power & sleep>Additional Power settings.
On your selected power plan click the Change plan settings link then click Change advance power settings.
On the Power options window, expand Display , then expand Enable adaptive brightness .
Switch them both: On battery and Plugged in to Off

Looks like they were already off for me. I switched them around a few times and it's the same.