Windows 10 Programs won't load


Jul 27, 2016
Hi all,
I just recently (less than a week) built a new computer and installed windows 10. I got everything up and running smoothly and I came home today and 2 apps wouldn't launch. AVG and ASUS Aura. (Could be others I didn't catch) I tried many 'fixes' I found online with nothing helping. When you click on the shortcut, Taskbar shortcut or the direct .exe the cursor spins for a split second then nothing. In the task manager window I see that both of these are running in the background now but no window pops up to be able to use the program. I did an entire clean install with no luck. Both programs fail even thought they worked fine yesterday and before that

My computer has the following hardware:
Mobo: Asus X99-A II
CPU: i7-5820k
RAM: 32GB Trident Z 3200
Graphics: GeForce 1070 Founders Edition
Running Windows 10 version 1511
Asus Aura is the latest version (also tried previous version) Latest ran fine the other day with no issues.
AVG is also latest version and ran fine the other day with no issues.

Not sure if other programs have an issue as I already completely installed windows thinking it would fix it but didn't work. I also did a clean boot and no fix. Since I did a clean install there was hardly any apps needed to be disabled but did anyway.
Not sure where to go next.
Thanks for any help.

Hi thank you for looking into my issue.
I downloaded Windows 10 from Microsoft website and installed using a usb. It worked great for 3 or 4 days then the issue happened. No changes (to my knowledge) happened between when it was working and when it stopped. Asus Aura was the very first program I installed after fresh installing Windows 10. So my AV is not an issue but my Antivirus (AVG) is also one of the programs not launching.

So to answer the question, Yes I installed Windows correctly and from a trust worthy site. And my anti virus program did not change the outcome of the program launching.


Hello again tbrozovich

In that case, I would suggest you to Restore Your Windows 10 to 4 Days Before, i.e. when it worked fine.

Hope this helps.

Good Luck!

4 days before is fresh installation. Since the problem, I fresh installed windows 10. Didn't keep files or anything, just a 100% fresh install. When installation was complete I tested Aura and AVG and neither would launch. So even on a fresh install it is still an issue.

Thank you.

Hello again

Although it is highly unlikely that this suggestion would solve the issue, you can try Starting Windows 10 in Safe Mode and see if you can launch the apps from there. If the apps can be initiated in Safe Mode, start Windows in normal mode and check if you have the latest graphics driver installed. If the graphics driver is latest, try removing it and installing a lower version of the driver and see if this fixes the problem. Likewise, if the graphics driver is old, try updating it to the latest version.


This had no change on the start of my 2 programs. Tried different combinations of drivers and safe mode with no avail. Not quite sure what to do considering a fresh install doesn't even help..
