[SOLVED] Windows 10 Sign-in


Feb 1, 2021
I had a disaster a few months ago and had to restore my Windows 10/1909 a few months ago with the D-drive factory recovery version 1903 and made a hash of my Windows sign-in. Previously my sign-in was perfect at "Wittmann + password.
Somehow I entered my Microsoft Outlook.com email as Admin. instead of Wittmann..
On sign-in, Windows comes up with my name (Wittmann) but fails on password.

At the left hand bottom of the sign-in screen there are now two choices, one is my name (Wittmann) which does not work and the other is my email which I click.
On clicking the email choice, it then asks for my email ID and password, I enter them and Windows then signs-in and opens OK.
Also I have to enter my email and password to view browser stored passwords, instead of just a password as previous.

The image shows my Windows Admin. entry - my email ID that I do not want.

I need to fix it so that my name (Wittmann) is registered (added) with password, so that on sign-in Windows then opens automatically to display my desktop.
I tried a PIN number, it said it already exists, but I do not know what it is. Rather stick with password.

Please advise me exactly what is needed to get my sign-in to work automatically using my name and dispense with the email sign-in.
What I cannot risk is being locked out, at least the cumbersome email sign-in works.

I need the User Accounts panel to show - Wittmann under Username and Administrator under Group so that Windows logs on through to desktop.
I don't mind leaving the email User/Admin if it does not adversely affect the Wittmann sign-in.

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If you have a backup, you might want to try it again as I assume the users worked fine in the past and that will erase the mistake you made.

better than messing with users now. See if you can just roll back.
I am new to Tom's and thought that this post would inspire some expert reaction and precise instructions on how to change this sign-on feature as described.
Out of 141 views I get absolutely nothing. It is NOT an insignificant feature ! One wrong move and you can be locked out of Windows. It could be THE most important feature on Windows.
Thank you for your lack of interest, I will try another Forum or simply surf the web. I gave a detailed account of the problem, I expected a detailed answer of how to do it.
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I am new to Tom's and thought that this post would inspire some expert reaction and precise instructions on how to change this sign-on feature as described.
Out of 141 views I get absolutely nothing. It is NOT an insignificant feature ! One wrong move and you can be locked out of Windows. It could be THE most important feature on Windows.
Thank you for your lack of interest, I will try another Forum or simply surf the web. I gave a detailed account of the problem, I expected a detailed answer of how to do it.

Best of luck to you! In my experience, most forums are extremely welcoming of people who think the forum's members are their employees.
Whitman i will ignore your last sentence and try to help you , you must have got to the desktop at some point to be able to show the screenshot.
Do you actually need to have a password on the screen you see before you get to the desktop.
If the answer is no then do the following , once at desktop type the word run into search box then type netplwiz into it and follow the prompts , next time you boot up or restart you will by pass that screen and go straight to the desktop
Do you actually have 2 users in any of these screens?
does the user with the email address show up anywhere?
its strange for windows to just add an account simply by logging into it. did you have to set everything up on desktop from scratch?
I assume you can't access this other account at all?

sounds like the 1st user is corrupted , it isn't unheard of on win 10. It happened to me once.

Getting what you want might be difficult if the old user is still there. Kerberos's idea is probably the quickest. you can copy contents of old users user folder onto new one to give it same access, if that helps
create local user, make it admin
go to c:/users
copy contents of old users folder onto new.

We all volunteers here, none of us have to be here, we do it for fun... so careful what you expect :)
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Thank you for those helpful posts.
Briefly as possible -
I made a bad mistake and could not get onto Windows.
Had to reinstall Windows version 1903 by using the D-drive recovery.
All is now working perfect and as it was initially, all programs and passwords recovered and Windows now on version 1909.
Windows remembered my registration name - Wittmann but did not add it to User Accounts.

Windows must then have thought I was adding a second user, asked for my email, which I gave, thus creating a second ID user Admin.
Now on logon Windows shows Wittmann and fails, because Wittmann is not listed on User Accounts and logs on perfect with the email ID.

No surgery is needed, it is a simple User Account problem.

My thoughts -
ADD Wittman Admin and password to the User Accounts.
Leave the email ID ? I would prefer to either delete it or change it to Wittmann Admin.
Wittmann Admin is now listed on User Accounts and Windows should logon using the Wittmann ID without any problems.

But, is this correct ? I cannot risk being locked out of Windows during this dreadful time of COVID lockdown.
I need expert confirmation that my thoughts are correct.
PS - I have a Macrium Reflect clone and bootable media all set up - I refresh the clone every month.
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If you have a backup, you might want to try it again as I assume the users worked fine in the past and that will erase the mistake you made.

better than messing with users now. See if you can just roll back.