Ever since I updated to Windows 10 from Windows 7, generally things have been faster, but there are some bugs that are incredibly annoying, the biggest is the process of shutting down and starting up my PC. About a 20% chance I start up my PC it will just start up and nothing will come up, just a black screen and it stays black until I turn it off then turn it on again, the same thing about shutting down, except I would say a 30% chance of my shut down process to mess up, I will go to shut down and it will lead me to the page "Closing # app and shutting down", I click shut down anyway and in maybe 30 seconds to a minute later, I will end up on my desktop again, sometimes without my taskbar so I can't shut down and will have to resort to my power button again, another thing is that a error message will come up saying:
Any help would be greatly appreciated, or advice.
Any help would be greatly appreciated, or advice.