Windows 10 Task Bar Problem


Jan 9, 2013
I've been on Windows 10 for a while now and haven't really had any problems, but recently my task bar has started being weird. I can't click on the start menu anymore (though I can still click on cortana) and I can't right click on any icons I have (running or pinned). I've also been getting problems with file explorer, sometimes I would click on a path and it would just open a new window, other times when I open a file it would close file explorer after the file opens. Not really sure what's going on, I've scanned for viruses multiple times and am scanning again right now. I'm considering just reinstalling. Has anyone experienced something similar?
Ok. Make sure you're installing teh latest build.
Download the Media Creation Tool from here:
Run it and make a USB boot drive to install off of.
If you have an SSD and can clean it completly, it's best to do it in UEFI mode:

Get the latest drivers from here:
File: Unzip it to a folder on a USB drive(it can be teh one with windows on it).

Disconnect all the drives except the one you're installing to, then go into the BIOS and under "boot" disable CSM and enable "secure boot".

Start the install and when it asks where to install hit "have disk" and point it to the folder you put the above files in.

then hit shift +f10 then:
list disk
select disk x(x beeing the drive you are installing to)
convert gpt

then hit refresh and select "create" to make a partition for windows as big as you require it. windows will create several partitions and auto-select the proper one to install to.

WARNING: this will erase all partitions and data on the drive
remember you can run the install files while booted into windows to get the option to save your programs and settings. will still do a fresh install for you but won't leave you reinstalling everything again. pretty nice option i have used a number of times myself.
Yup, I know how to do it (in fact I've already done it), I had just came here to see if anyone knew a fix to my problem without reinstalling since I had never encountered that specific problem before. Thank you all though!
no problem. not seen that issue myself either and been using win 10 for a long time now.

suggestions i have seen for start menu issues have been to create a new user and see if that one works. also the old log out and back in has been suggested as a fix.

but that's all i got for options as never seen it myself.