Windows 10 techinical preview query

Schezan Mansuri

Aug 27, 2014
So here I heard a lot about windows 10 technical preview.
and I was just confused and had some quires if someone can solve .
I am currently running on windows 7 sp1.
what if I install the techical preivew and it cannot run some of the programs which I use.
will I be able to get back to my sp1 state ?
and also can I run both the os's running as a dual boot ?
How do I create a perfect backup with windows 7 sp1 with what I am currently running , all I have is a 320 gb external drive and a 8gb flash drive.
sorry but I really have very less knowledge and will be quite thankful if someone is generous enough to take some time and help me clear my doubts. and is this the right place to ask software queries like such
and suggest me the best what I can do
thank you 😀.
and do we have the license to run it for a long peroid ? is it something like if I installed the preview will the lisence expire after somedays when it is officially launched
If you install using the whole drive, you will have to do a whole new install of 7 to go back. There is no 'undo'.

Yes, you can do a dual boot. If and only if you are very careful and know what you're doing.
I have mine set up like that. Used to be Windows 7 and Win 8.1. Now Win 7 and Win 10. But this is only on my secondary PC, and only for my personal testing.

The tech Preview should NOT be used on a primary box. There will be bugs, unasked for changes, and other weirdness.
It is NOT a fully reliable OS.
And note that down the road, you WILL have to do a full reinstall to whatever. The final release of 10, or back to 8 or 7. There will almost certainly be no automagic upgrade from Tech Preview to the release version.

To create a...
It;s best to install Win 10 Preview (which is in Beta stage) on a separate computer and then check it out.

If you do not have a separate computer for this, then install Win 10 on a separate hard disk and do selective boot. Your Win 7 hard disk can be partitioned for Win 10 and you can do a selective boot (dual boot). Please read up on "Dual boot" for details on how to do this.

Do not do any type of upgrade to go from Win 7 to Win 10 preview.

yes omg you almost solved my query. I can test it myself by installing it externally , but do you mind explaining oe forwarding the link how do I do that ?
and the license? do we need some product key or it expires in April 2015 when windows is launched ?
If you install using the whole drive, you will have to do a whole new install of 7 to go back. There is no 'undo'.

Yes, you can do a dual boot. If and only if you are very careful and know what you're doing.
I have mine set up like that. Used to be Windows 7 and Win 8.1. Now Win 7 and Win 10. But this is only on my secondary PC, and only for my personal testing.

The tech Preview should NOT be used on a primary box. There will be bugs, unasked for changes, and other weirdness.
It is NOT a fully reliable OS.
And note that down the road, you WILL have to do a full reinstall to whatever. The final release of 10, or back to 8 or 7. There will almost certainly be no automagic upgrade from Tech Preview to the release version.

To create a full backup thing of your current Windows 7? Use one of the several cloning/migration/imaging tools.
CloneZilla, for instance. Make an image of your current drive, and save it to the 320GB external.

If you're not comfortable with all of the above, leave Windows 10 alone for a while. It contains nothing earth shattering that you need to have right now.
For me, it is a tool to play with to evaluate and prepare for potential upgrades at work.

The orignal imaging tool from windows to make system image and a backup will work right ? and also I have a windows 7 cd . someone else also commented that I can use external hardrive to just boot the techincal preview ? Can you explain me how do I do that , probably that wont harm the system I am using , I have another Home pc too. This is my personal laptop in which I am installing, But just to be safe I posted this query
No, you can't install it to an external HDD.
Well, you can, but it is a REAL pita.

You can install from an external, but not install to an external.

Unknown about the Windows imaging tool and bringing your existing Windows 7 back.
I know CloneZilla works...I've never done it from the Windows built in tool.

And remember...this is a Preview. Not a fully functioning every day use OS.

So I got what you wanted to say.
I can just use my external harddrive to install but not install within the drive and thanks.
yes I kinda got a clue about it that its not fully functional I was just curious and do want do feedback micrsoft. sounds dumb but yes I am much curious about it . I am not sure how to use clonezilla so would try something else and yes thanks a lot buddy . have a nice day ahead.