Windows 10 Test Mode ?

Durwesh Naeem

Dec 2, 2014
recently i turned on the windows test mode apparently my motherboards HIFI DAC's stupid driver is not digitally assigned, this device helps me use speakers and headphones at the same time.

my question is this if the test mode is dangerous ? .. if yes i have a Norton security subscription will it be helpful ?.. sorry i am a layman as far these software OS related complicated stuff is concerned ...

"In order for developers of drivers to be able to properly develop the driver, they need to rapidly load different versions of it into windows. This would require them to get each version signed by Microsoft. That's not reasonable...

"In order for developers of drivers to be able to properly develop the driver, they need to rapidly load different versions of it into windows. This would require them to get each version signed by Microsoft. That's not reasonable, so Microsoft added the ability to allow loading of test-signed drivers through the use of "Test Mode".

End users don't have much use for this feature and it is a security risk."
Best idea with win 10 is don't do anything you aren't sure how to reverse... I was going to say don't do anything you don't understand but then there are many things I advise others to do that I don't fully understand myself. They are normally safe but the more I look into windows, the less I know.

to turn it off:

Open elevated command prompt.

Enter this command.

bcdedit -set TESTSIGNING off
to turn it on:

Open elevated command prompt.

Enter this command.

bcdedit -set TESTSIGNING on

Thank You very much