Thanks for your reply friend. But now i got more details of my problem...
On the windows 10 login screen, on screen keyboard pops up for entering password and all keys are working good on onscreen keyboard. After clicking enter button on on-screen keyboard desktop reaches. But on desktop if i click on 'my computer' icon nothing happens (not even getting selected with my touch) and if i moves my finger the entire icon is moving to get to a new position on screen.
At the same time, if i swipe slightly from left to right or right to left on windows logo on taskbar, suddenly the windows menu shows up..
Even while inside control panel, i can easily swipe the buttons from off to on but cant click any.
So i assume some registry issues or may be my industrial touch screen monitor is not recognised as a touch screen by windows 10..
Rockwell softwares are of from OEM DVD's and are safe. FYIP.
Kindly help that if there is any option in windows 10 so that swipe click only enabled. No single click or double click is enabled on my touch screen...
Thanks in advance sir.