Question Windows 10 touch screen monitor- touch and cursor works but click not working.

Jun 30, 2023
Windows 10 touch screen monitor touch and cursor movement works but click not working.

I'm using an hp CPU with Siemens IFP1900 industrial touch screen monitor..

I can swipe along screens, but touch screen click is not working..

Pls help anyone..
Update your post to include full system hardware specs.

Is it that "touch" does not do anything or is it that there is no feedback "click" when a touch is made?

In any case, try reinstalling the touch screen monitor's drivers.

I'm using a HP workstation with Xeon Processor and 16G Ram. Instead of using regular LED monitor, I'm using it with a Siemens IFP1900 industrial touch screen.

Before i was able to use touch screen as I like - click or double click icons, minimize or close open screens etc. But today after installing some rockwell softwares, only my touch screen is working like i can swipe from side, if i touch/click on my computer icon on desktop nothing happens. But i can scroll along all icons slightly greyed/box outline when i scroll from my computer icon towards screen bottom. Also if using on screen keyboard, if i try to type a word nothing happens on the key which i clicked. But if i swipes from left to right on a key, for eg. Spacebar it gets typed.

I dont know what to do..

Please help

"But today after installing some rockwell softwares,".

What Rockwell software? Check the specs for supported hardware. Ensure that the correct software and/or drivers were downloaded.

Uninstall the Rockwell sofware to determine if the "click" etc. returns to normal.

If so, then the Rockwell software is the likely culprit.

Look for any touch screen options therein: e.g., Click = Enable/Disable or On/Off . End user configurable.
Thanks for your reply friend. But now i got more details of my problem...

On the windows 10 login screen, on screen keyboard pops up for entering password and all keys are working good on onscreen keyboard. After clicking enter button on on-screen keyboard desktop reaches. But on desktop if i click on 'my computer' icon nothing happens (not even getting selected with my touch) and if i moves my finger the entire icon is moving to get to a new position on screen.

At the same time, if i swipe slightly from left to right or right to left on windows logo on taskbar, suddenly the windows menu shows up..

Even while inside control panel, i can easily swipe the buttons from off to on but cant click any.

So i assume some registry issues or may be my industrial touch screen monitor is not recognised as a touch screen by windows 10..

Rockwell softwares are of from OEM DVD's and are safe. FYIP.

Kindly help that if there is any option in windows 10 so that swipe click only enabled. No single click or double click is enabled on my touch screen...

Thanks in advance sir.