Windows 10 vs Windows 7 for gaming


Jun 22, 2017
What's better for gaming? Windows 10 or Windows 7? Currently I have Win 10 but I'm thinking of downgrading to Win 7 because of Win 10 forced updates that ruin my pc and actually slows it down. For example, last Win 10 update really slowed down my pc and now it takes longer to boot and when I am using it everything is slower than before.

1. Win 7 is going out of any support from MS in about 18 months

2. Hardware vendor support for Win 7 is also going away.

3. Discover what actually happened that is causing your system to be 'slow'

I know but all these features they add are just costing me in performance and they are really unnecessary for me because I most of the time use my PC for gaming, but I am afraid that they will start making games with just DX 12 at some point I will have to get Win 10 again, so I don't know really.
Well I would certainly stick with Windows 10. Maybe reinstall it but turn updates off and settle on an older version that works for you. But as USAFret said better to find the real cause of the issues as plenty of people are gaming on Windows 10 PC's without problems.