Windows 10 with Crosshair V Formula (Not Z)


May 27, 2016
Hi, all! I have a tower that I build with the Crosshair V Formula (Not Z) motherboard, 16GB of memory, and AMD 8-Core CPU, and an NVIDIA Video card. It works great with Windows 7, but when I installed Windows 10 as soon as Windows boots, I no longer have access to any of the USB ports. I have a USB WiFi Dongle, mouse, and keyboard. None of which are recognized.

I tried to find a USB to PS/2 Y-Cable to get the mouse and keyboard working with the dual PS/2 port on the motherboard, but after purchasing 4 or 5 from different manufacturers, none worked. I could get either the mouse or the keyboard working, but not both at the same time. (Whatever is plugged into the keyboard side of the splitter, works, but not what is plugged into the mouse side).

Asus has been no help. They don't sell a splitter cable that is supposed to work with this motherboard and they don't seem to be planning to release drivers to make the USB ports work in Windows 10.

It seems that I have seen on this Forum that some 'may' have gotten Windows 10 working with the Crosshair V Formula (Not Z) with Windows 10. If so I would like to know the steps necessary. My only other option is the get a different motherboard and rebuild the system.


use the front panel ports those work...... then download drivers from asus website for asmedia controller n what not..... amd chipset driver also very impotant. N as of now Crosshair V Formula (non Z) has no officialsupport for Windows 10. I've been suffering for months now. My glorious PC is now a pile of goo....... I miss BF4.... life sucks!!
Have you made sure your BIOS is up to date prior to going to Windows 10?

If you can't get the USB ports working after the OS boots up then the drivers necessary for the USB ports/controller are either missing/corrupt or are not the right ones for the controller. If you can't get the keyboard or mice to work then the issue is that the OS is simply not cut out for that system. You are trying to make a system operate on an OS that it's not meant to run on and as such can cause far more headache then you've already incurred.

Have you made sure your installer isn't corrupt? You might want to look through this guide for creating a bootable USB installer.

The PS/2 splitter should even work since the port you have can accept either a mouse or a keyboard which explains why you can only use anything connected to the Keyboard end of the splitter. Have you tried the USB2.0 ports at the rear? The other controller on your board is an ASMedia controller which operates the USB3.0 ports. Speaking of ports, can you please pass on your full system's specs? Those you've mentioned are generically stated.

* With all the time and effort spent, it may seem feasible to go for a new board altogether but then again you can stick to what you already have without upgrading your OS...
use the front panel ports those work...... then download drivers from asus website for asmedia controller n what not..... amd chipset driver also very impotant. N as of now Crosshair V Formula (non Z) has no officialsupport for Windows 10. I've been suffering for months now. My glorious PC is now a pile of goo....... I miss BF4.... life sucks!!