Windows 10 won't boot after System Reset


Mar 4, 2013
I'm selling a computer, and thus, was resetting it completely. I chose the option that completely removes every file. During the process, it was stuck at 34% for over 4 hours, and after reading, I saw that it was okay to power it off and turn it on again. I did that and now my computer will not boot. I can still get into the bios, but after that, it barely shows the little command script. ___ and then turns off. Then it reboots again, flashes the bios, little command script thing, then black screen. It does this over and over. Was wondering if anyone else had this problem?

Thanks for the reply.

The problem is that I don't have a Windows Disk nor a USB Drive. I guess my only option is to buy one?

Unfortunately its not, as I built it myself.