News Windows 11 Demonstrated Running in Just 176 MB RAM

I wonder what's the minimum that is gaming capable
For the absolute minimum I would turn to Linux.
Steam is available for Linux and shows over 26000 games that are available.
A lightweight Linux distro running only processes needed for gaming would probably be the answer.

Judging from the results on

200-300 megabytes sounds reasonable for the Linux OS itself.
Depending on the game you intend on running the actual amount of ram needed can vary wildly.
Cities:Skylines took about 2 gigabytes to load the home screen.
My simplest and least ram intensive Linux compatible game is Factorio clocking in at 350 megabytes of ram.
Cooking clicker while not Linux compatible only uses 184 megabytes of ram
(Those ram figures were taken from Windows 11 ... probably similar on Linux)
This would give us a minimum of 384-650 megabytes of ram to avoid using virtual memory on a linux/properly slimmed down Windows install.
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If Microsoft was doing their job properly, that would just be the default windows version requirement.
Oh.. and also, we would have a consitent modern user interface everywhere, not only for a few programs...
This is one of those 'neat that you could possibly do it' type things that is deemed basically silly waste of time in practice. Why would you wish to punish yourself working in page file at all times?
I guess everyone forgot that ram is cheap
I have 128GB of ram on my system, it's not about Ram price....
It's about clean code, with minimal footprint, and maximal efficiency and robustness.
Things that Windows is absolutely not.

I I steal $1000 from you and say, don't get mad, I saw your bank account, you have 20k left, that would be stupid, well, for ram waste, it's the same story.
I have 128GB of ram on my system, it's not about Ram price....
It's about clean code, with minimal footprint, and maximal efficiency and robustness.
Things that Windows is absolutely not.

I I steal $1000 from you and say, don't get mad, I saw your bank account, you have 20k left, that would be stupid, well, for ram waste, it's the same story.
I think you’re missing the point they took the explorer out which makes the entire project useless you might as well go run Linux, I agree with something being more efficient, but you can’t take the tires off of of a car because they’re made of steel and call it a day, you need to replace the tires with more efficient tires and then we will actually be impressed.
Why are some of you being so critical of this? Why should people not experiment, just to see what they can achieve? Humans have always done this, if we didn't, we wouldn't know what a wheel is, let alone have computers we can experiment on, just for fun.
Why are some of you being so critical of this? Why should people not experiment, just to see what they can achieve? Humans have always done this, if we didn't, we wouldn't know what a wheel is, let alone have computers we can experiment on, just for fun.
There’s a difference between critical and unimpressed, and critical, despite your trying to use it in a negative connotation, is not always a bad thing for instance one should always be critical of any medical research or anything where life and limb is involved for example, because when you’re not critical people die. In this case people are just unimpressed because as I pointed out, the experimentation was taken to the point of not being useful in most use cases. People are interested in Windows being more efficient yes, but not turning it into a Linux clone. The minute you do this you’re stuck looking for a replacement shell but windows unlike Linux doesn’t have a third-party shell waiting around for it like Linux does. So technically speaking, it’s a step behind Linux at that point.
Why are some of you being so critical of this? Why should people not experiment, just to see what they can achieve? Humans have always done this, if we didn't, we wouldn't know what a wheel is, let alone have computers we can experiment on, just for fun.
People aren't critical of this guy doing this, they are critical of people saying that MS should make windows that only boots into command promt and only has as much ram to load notepad and nothing else...
They removed everything from windows that people need to run stuff on windows.
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