News Windows 11 for Arm can run natively on specific Android smartphones — the test device heats up very fast, and battery life substantially decreases

"... the temperature range is uncomfortable for a smartphone and its battery, reaching a reported ~48 degrees Celsius (12 degrees Fahrenheit)..."

Ya mean 118.4°F?

Maybe one step closer to bringing back Windows Phones
That'd be awesome af. My Win7 Phone was easily the best phone I've ever owned.
Maybe once i retire my 3 years old OnePlus 8t with its 865 CPU i'll try it out lol I was soo looking forward to the windows 10 phone/Surface phone whatever they were going to call it where if you plugged it into a dock that it would give you an actual desktop environment, and has x86 emulation and later x64 emulation. That would have been nice and I may have been willing to finally jump off the Android bandwagon