Windows 2000 problem


Nov 13, 2003
When i use my Windows 2000 for a while, after a while a Blue screen will pop up and say IRQL_NOT_LESS_OR_EQUAL and the numbers stated up there are mostly full of 0's. Apart from that, they will say startring dump of physical memory.Problem is that when i did memtest86 to my RAM, it did not tell me any problems, can i format the problem away or when i format, the prob will still be there. Your help is most appreciated
I got that a few times one night and found some info on Microsoft's website that pointed to a hardware device that wasn't on the HCL. I had just installed a new CDRW so I unplugged it and uninstalled from 2000 to see if I could reproduce the error. I got it again within 15 minutes, so I knew that wasn't it.

It just so happened that each time, I was browsing and had a station playing in Winamp. Once I stopped going there, I haven't had another issue. I'm using Winamp 2.78c because every time I would upgrade, I'd have problems.

I don't know if it's all related or not, just telling you what did it for me. Do you have any new hardware or any device conflicts in device manager?

Btw, here's the MS KB article I was referring to:;en-us;293077&Product=win2000
Those numbers, especially the first two sets of eight are critical information, and often searchable. Win2K is not Win98 ... error messages with this OS are usually much more helpful (despite appearances), and no information should be ignored. Take notes.

There should be additional information about the error when it occurs in the Event Viewer Logs; specifically in the Application and System logs. Errors listed there can be right-clicked, and under Properties, even more information can be found, such as the file, program, driver, or circumstance that caused the BSOD in the first place.

The Event Viewer logs are located in the Control Panel under Administrative Tools/Event Viewer.

Armed with this information, you may be able to discover the source of the problem and take steps to eliminate it.

This link should prove to be helpful, as a starting point:

<A HREF="" target="_new">Troubleshooting Stop Errors</A>

It's worth knowing that errors of this nature are commonly associated with incompatible or corrupted drivers, incompatible software, incompatible hardware, inadequate or a lack of "clean" power to the system, and/or IRQ conflicts ... usually in that order. Be prepared to update drivers, uninstall older software, and unplug any recently added external devices that might be causing an issue, such as USB mice, joysticks, and printers. These devices may also require updated drivers in order to function correctly.

If you can't get Windows to boot without experiencing the error, Safe Mode might be an option ... booting with just the basic Windows drivers. Then the updated drivers can be downloaded using another computer, perhaps through a neighbor or a friend with a workable system.

I wouldn't format unless there was no other option. That's the last resort, and it would be a shame to go to those lengths, if only one file or device was to blame. Work on isolating the error and the cause, so it can be avoided in the future, or it might happen again at some point, with you still not knowing where the problem originated.


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Disable yer Parralel and Serial ports in BIOS to release some IRQs for usefull use, change sound card slot, remove yer NIC (just some options to fix the hardware conflict, which is what you are getting).

..this is very useful and helpful place for information...