windows 2000 reliability


Dec 31, 2007
I just read an article on windows 2000 reliability from ZDLABS compared to windows NT 4.0 with SP 6a and windows 98SE. In a nutshell, they tested the systems non-stop for 90 days. The 98 machine had to be rebooted on average every 1.8 days, the NT station every 5.2 days, and the 2000 machine.........never failed!!!!!!!!!! In 90 days of testing they never rebooted it. Pretty impressive.

"In three words I can sum up everything I've learned in life: It goes on." -Robert Frost
It IS pretty killer. If you've got the right drivers, and do regular maintenance, memory errors can be close to a thing of the past. Multi-tasking is a 100% better than with Win9x, as is the system resource management ... and nothing is more stable for games. As far as I'm concerned, WinXP will have to be a major leap forward for me to let go of Win2K.


<font color=purple>My Rig:</font color=purple> <A HREF="" target="_new"></A>
I've had one Win2k Server at work up for the last nine months without a re-boot, and it is converting on average 600 to 700 documents a day.

It uses office automation to convert the documents, so it's loading and closing Word, Excel, Power Point, and Acrobat Reader over and over again.

Under NT 4.0 it would BSOD and auto reboot probably every 3-4 days.
I'm using Win2k on my personal machine, and really I don't want to dual-boot to Windows ME (which is also installed)....but had to do to try out games 😉. But with DirectX 8 and Win2k Service Pack 2 (which promises that more Win98 and WinNT apps will be able to run on Win2k), this necessity may even be eliminated soon! :)


<i>I have started to be irregular with this site now...</i>
I was hoping that with SP2 installed my games would run better under win2k (therefor elimanating the choice of OS's), but that didn't happen. I just get better performance out of winME or win98. So I am still sticking with the dual boot for now. But I agree that it would be nice to just have one.

"In three words I can sum up everything I've learned in life: It goes on." -Robert Frost
yea, I installed the latest directx and drivers including nvidia drivers 12.60. Games worked good....don't get me wrong.....but they still worked better in winME. I had heard that if you have a P4 with a GeForce2 and latest drivers then gaming performance would be better in win2k......but in my opinion that is not the case.

"In three words I can sum up everything I've learned in life: It goes on." -Robert Frost

I have even stopped playing all those things like UT, Quake, etc. Why? Because I rarely dual-boot into Windows ME. I find Win2k sufficient enough for everything else. 😱 ...


<i>I have started to be irregular with this site now...</i>
Why would u stop playing them? Just throw'em onto the win2k partition and frag away 😉

"He who laughs last doesn't get the joke"
I like all these nifty service packs for windows nt. About every 5 packs, they completely rename the OS so you don't think you're just getting all the service packs integrated into the cdrom. Marketing strategies are fun.