Windows 2000 Server Installation


Sep 12, 2002
Trying to install Win2k Server but in early stages get error message "ntkrnlmp.exe cannot load error code 7".

I have tracked this down to either the BIOS or bad RAM.

Checked RAM and everything is A OK - did a full diagnostics on 512KB

Motherboard is Gigabyte GA-6VXDC7. I have upgraded to latest BIOS F7b.

In theory everthing should now kickin. NO same error.

Has any one else got Windows 2000 Server running on this motherboard?
Anyone any expierience?

Last night I installed Windows 2000 Professional first time with no glitches in about thirty minutes. BUT I WANT SERVER!!!

Please any help/comment would be highly appreciated.

I did a <A HREF="" target="_new"><font color=red>google groups (AKA usenet) search</font color=red></A> and found a bunch of references to that problem. One thing I would ask right off the bat is this: Even though the RAM test came out OK did you try actually switching in different RAM? Thats the only true test for bad RAM.

<i>It's always the one thing you never suspected.</i>
Yeah swapped the RAM and actually found out that one 128 card I slipped in was bad.

I too have searched the waves of the web and lot's of references to my problem... but no solutions! 🙁

Has any one else got the GAa-6VXDC7 motherboard to use Windows 2000 Server?

I wonder if it is my Graphics - I have Geforce 2 and when I install XP I have to use other card and then swap the Geforce back in afterwards. But I don't feel this error has anything to do with that.