Windows 7 100hz


May 1, 2010
Hello, I am using a 19 inch crt atm, and just last night i uninstalled vista, and installed windows 7. I love it so far, but i play counter strike 1.6, and when i go to change the desktop resolution to like 1024 x 768 like i used to with 100 hz, it wont let me. Actually there isnt even a tab for 100 hz, i just see 85 tops. I see the difference going from 75 hz in a 100 fps game, and using 100 hz. If your getting 100 fps, then you want to usw 100 hz, if your only using 75 hz, your only seeing 75 fps. 100 hz feels much smoother and responsive. I am using a geforce 9500 gt. I tried installing old drivers, still doesnt work, tried installing old vista drivers, it just installs windows 7 drivers. How can i get 100 hz on windows 7 please help... 😀
There is a GREAT tool out there for doing this, and the ONLY tool out there that actually works.

Follow his instructions, and remember: install the monitor drivers FIRST. Then reboot, run his app, then go into the video card drivers and set the drivers like he points out.

Guy put a lot of work into it, and it's the only one out there that actually works.

After you have done the above with the Monitor driver and Refresh Rate you wish to use (and after you have rebooted twice after each part up top), do the following:

1. Open Nvidia control panel
2. Click on "Change Resolution"
3. Click on "Add Resolutions"
4. Check "Enable Resolutions not exposed..."
5. Click "Create Custom Resolution"
6. Pull down "Timing"
-- Where you see "Standard: Automatic" bring this down to "Manual"
7. Place Desired refresh rate in the box (in the above section)
8. Click Test

You're done :)

Note: What you said about Refresh rate and FPS is only true if you have Vsync turned on, without it on you can go as high as the game and system will allow.
"Note: What you said about Refresh rate and FPS is only true if you have Vsync turned on, without it on you can go as high as the game and system will allow."

He's probably seeing tearing. Tearing at 100hz would be much harder to see which would be perceived as being "smoother", but even at 75hz you can notice it. At 60hz it's in your face.

Thing that TICKS me off is Microsoft and these LCD monitors don't support high refresh rates anymore. It's like the two are sleeping together in the devils bed to take away something we all notice: tearing. Just frustrates me to no end.

The max I can get my LCD without it poofing on me is 65Hz, but it's also a high screen rez. If one single thing doesn't perform right I see tearing, if everything is working right, I see it a ton -- and like you said "in your face".

Honestly, I'm about ready to go buy Windows XP 64bit and tell Microsoft to shove Windows 7 up their A-Holes.

.......... I just find it really shitty they killed Vsync in Windows 7 but hack the OS up to only support 60Hz so now all of our games have tearing and both the LCD companies and Microsoft sit back and do nothing while we have no choice but to play our games with tearing....
They need to just have 2160p with 120hz monitors. I'll be happy for a LONG time.

Monitor quality seems to have diminishing returns on quality as it gets harder and harder to "perceive" upgrades past a certain point. I think 120hz is a good cut-off and 1080p looks nice, but I bet 2160p crammed onto a 23" monitor would about nullify AA(not quite, but close).

Just wait for 3D TV tech to become standard on computers... omg..