Windows 7 64 bit on a netbook?


Aug 20, 2010

I just got myself a netbook for when i am out of the office. I intend to use it for a bit of web browsing, office 2010, corel draw and a bit of gmail.

I have both windows 7 32 bit and 64 bit. which one should i install on my netbook? some people say that 64-bit will draw more power, some say 64bit its more efficient bla bla bla, i think half the time nobody has actually tried and tested it.

Does anyone on here have any ideas?

(atom n450 1.66ghz, 2gb ram, 60gb vertex 2)
The Atom N450 does support x86-64, so u could install 64bit windows.

I don't think it's really useful though. Few applications are available in 64 bit versions and and the N450 doesn't support more than 2gb of ram anyway.
U should have a look at the manufacturer's website first and check if drivers for 64bit Win7 are available.
2gb is the max ram the netbook can take. So no benefit from 64bit there.

Can anyone think of a reason to install 64bit? i will install the OS at the end of the week so if anyone thinks of a definitive reason for which OS to use then let me know.
The only reason I can think of is that 64-bit Windows lets large-address-aware programs access up to 4GB of virtual memory (32-bit Windows maxes out at 3GB). But this is really a nit since with only 2GB of RAM most of that virtual memory will end up on the page file anyway - I really can't see how that would be advantageous.

The other reason might be for commonality with another system you (or someone you give computer advice for) that uses 64-bit Windows. But I gotta tell you that the everyday experience of using either one is identical.

Other than those, I can think of no other reasons to put 64-bit Windows on a system that can't use 4GB or more of RAM.
Well, I think no one dared to try it so I went a head and did it. (Sorry if this is extremely late.) It works just fine on my Acer Aspire One D260...I have upgraded the RAM to 2 GB. (The least recomended but supported by 64 bit.) I then tested it and I am replying to you with this system. Windows 7 Ultimate 64 bit. I did the performance rating and this is what I got.

Processor: 2.3
Gaming Graphics: 3.0
Primary Hard Disk: 5.5 (Upgraded HDD to 320 GB HDD)
This makes the base score 2.3 (Picks the one with the least score.)

I don't know what it is for 32 bit. I can't remember very well but I think the base score was 2.9 or something like that. (Please some one correct me so I have it right. Thanks in advance.) So its not that its not suported, its just not better with it.