Windows 7(64) Slooooow after buying new monitor


Nov 12, 2013
Hello All,

I thought life would be somewhat nicer after buying a FUll-HD led screen, but unfortunately it didn't ..

I have a Desktop with:
- Core i5 CPU @ 2,8GHz
- Asus P7H55-PRO motherboard
- Asus EAH 5570 Graphics card ( onboard graphics are turned off)
-4 Gb RAM
- W7 Home Premium 64-bit installed.

Until recently everything was working just fine, but after:
- Setting my PC back to an earlier restore-point
- Installing my new and fancy monitor
- Setting the resolution to full-HD
Windows became incredibly slow, so slow that doing anything is consuming a lot of time.

I have:
- Ran three virus scanners (one from a live CD, to make extra-sure that i didn't have any viruses
- Ran a antimalware tool
- Made sure that all updates were installed (as downloading and installing updates consumes performance)
- Set the resolution somwehat lower

But still now results.... Does anyone here have any idea?

Thanks in advance!



- The mouse is responsive
- Startbutton and menu are fine
BUT when i:
- Open any window
- Choose an option in this window (including my computer)
Everything slows down to a near standstill..
- After entering my password it takes a while for the blue 'Welcome'screen to disappear
- Updating takes longer than usual