Windows 7 64bit, how to change default sapi 5 voice?


Nov 6, 2009
This is about changing default sapi5 voice to german steffi voice and make it persistent.

Problem: sapi5 voice steffi german is only around in a 32bit version.
If you install the voice steffi.exe on a win7 64bit hp version, it gets installed, but it's not
available under 'text to speech' menu.
If you download and run this file:
change_voice.rar für 64-Bit Windows Versionen
You can make windows 7 64 bit make voice steffi available.

Question: When you shut down the computer and turn on the computer again, voice
anna is the default voice again. And you have to run the change voice file again in order
to get voice steffi. Is there a way to make windows 7 bit run and choose voice steffi by
itself, when turning on the computer?


If you are running windows 7 then enter 'text to speech' in the searchbox.
Then you will get to config sapi5 voices in windows 7.
By default it's voice anna.
If you turn on speech features in windows 7, the voice you config. there, is the voice used to read out
Many programs which are able to execute text to speech, will use the voice config.ed under 'text to speech'.
Fx naturalsoft natural reader free will use voices available in 'text to speech'.
If you use voice anna to read german text, it sounds just like an english person speaking german.
So for each language, you have to install a sapi5 voice, for german that is voice steffi, but voice steffi
only comes in a 32bit version, and windows 7 64bit isn't fond of that.
Other languages have other sapi5 voices.


Yes, the main problem is, when you turn of the computer, voice anna is back
as the voice to be used, when you turn on the computer again.
So if you have other programs using the voice in 'text to speech', they tend to use voice anna,
because after turning the computer on, voice anna is the voice used. And you may have
to config both windows 7 'text to speech' and the program used to execute the text to speech,
back to voice steffi. Making an autorun on start on the change voice file, will only open
the windows 7 'text to speech' menu, it will not change the voice to voice steffi.
So asked for is a solution that automatically changes the voice to voice steffi when turning on the
computer. Or something that makes windows 7 remember that voice steffi is the used voice,
if that is the case, when the computer is shut down.

If using a laptop on battery, hibernating isn't good for battery performance.