I built a new system and have a Corsair SSD with Windows 7 Ultimate and a Samsung 840 SSD with Windows 8.1 pro. The idea was to boot into each drive when I wanted to use that particular OS. My system has an ASUS motherboard. When I boot into Windows 8.1 everything seems fine. When I boot back into Windows 7 about 90% of the time it says there are errors on my non-OS drives. It runs a disk check on each drive and a few other processes and usually finds a bunch of corrupted files. The corrupted files mess up a bunch of my application data. The types of messages I get are "Deleting corrupt attribute record (128, "") from record segment 385148". Any suggestions? I am considering just loading both OSs on one drive and dual booting that way but it seems like the method I am using should work without corrupting files especially on all of my non-OS drives.