Got some kind of malware or virus. Laptop will not go into safe Mode. Tried to restore to previous restore point but still give blue screen . Cannot find or run msconfig. Only thing I can get to is a X:\> or C:\> COMMAND PROMPT
Try running a Windows repair from your Windows Cd... connect the Hard Drive to another PC and run a scan for virus/malware. What happens when you try and boot into safe mode?
Try running a Windows repair from your Windows Cd... connect the Hard Drive to another PC and run a scan for virus/malware. What happens when you try and boot into safe mode?
Dont have Windows CD. Laptop came with factory partition and nothing else from store. When trying for Safe Mode it just goes to a Blue page and tells me some new S/W or H/W causing problesm. I have done no new addition. I know I got a malware or virus.
can we talk ? what number can I call u at?
No, I only give advice on website. sorry. Running a repair will benefit you the most, or connecting to another PC and running a scan in safe mode. other than that I would recommend fresh OS install(from a CD). Good luck.