Windows 7 and unnamed partitions

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Oct 21, 2010

My main drive is partitioned in 2. My C: drive which includes my program files and my windows and drive F: which includes my data (photos, music etc…)

However, when I installed Windows 7, the software created 2 no name partitions. The first is a 100MB partition which I understand to be standard with every Windows installations. There is another one, of 128MB in size also created by Windows 7 at time of installation.

My questions are:

1- When I create an image to restore my Windows 7 system in case of adversity, which partitions do I have to include in the disk image for my system to restore properly ?

• Only C:
• C: + unnamed partition of 100MB
• C: + unnamed partition of 100MB + unnamed partition of 128MB

My second question is:

What are those partitions created by Windows 7 ? As far as I know, I only partitioned my HDD in 2 partitions (drive C: and drive F:). So why do I end up with 4 different partitions ?

Thank You

Here is a link of my drive layout.
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