Windows 7 boot fail.


Aug 12, 2014
Hi guys, sorry if this is the wrong category.

Long time reader, first time poster here at TH.

Just built a new comp. specs:
AMD FX8350
Asus M5A97 evo r2
Gigabyte GTX760 (770 just arrived this afternoon 😀)
Corsair CX600
Corsair Vengeance black 8gb
Winblows 7 64 bit

Not a bad build for an Amd. So I built it last week, got everything up and running and got the better part of a week out of the thing before disaster struck.

It was going great, running Planetside 2 on High at 60FPS constant. Installed the Microsoft Hotfixes to sort the parked cores issue and started playing on Ultra at 35-60 fps.

When suddenly "UH OH! Midweek Madness, aaaannnndd it's Payday 2." So I bought the game, installed it and got straight to playing it. About halfway through my second game in my monitor freezes.

I look at my second monitor, alt tab and everything seems to be working over there, just not on my main screen.

Task manager brought up but nothing happens (tm appears on my main screen ofc.) so I hit the reset button.

This is where things get hard for me to recall since there was a lot of tears, a lot of "whyareyoudoingthistome"'s. Windows fails to boot up, it gets to the "windows starting screen" and just keeps twiddling it's thumbs for an hour+ and the worst bit - there's no saved "last known good config."

I tried to enter windows in safe mode but it gets stuck at aswrvrt.sys.

Checked the hdd setup in the bios, set up as ahci

Then as a last resort I tried to fresh install, remembering this is the same usb that I used to set up windows 7 first time round (via uefi), formatted the ssd windows 7 was originally installed on and booted into the installation, to my horror it gets stuck at windows starting again and will not budge.

In desparation I also tried a fresh install on the HDD, but again it doesn't get past the starting windows logo.

Finally I started trawling the internet.

Of course there are a couple of things that could have gone wrong.

1) Hotfixes didn't hotfix, but rather hot-un-fixed my CPU (overheat issue). Which I don't think happened - it was running 49c at the time (stock cooler, on load) which is warm but not overly so for the fx?

2) Virus/malware. I was running AVAST which is a known program so I'm not entirely persuaded this could be a cause?

3) The naff CX600 gave out on me?

Bonus question: 4) Anyway, to try and fix the issue I've ordered an XFX P1-650S-NLB9 (which, I believe, is capable of more than handling my rig) to replace the CX600 which I've heard was a problem with other fails of this kind?

Anyway, sorry for the rant, it's 2am and I'm quite peeved.
well, even a fresh install didn't work..
then it's must be something wrong with your hardware..

1. Try to reseat your memory, clean the golden bridge with eraser or contact cleaner..
2. unplug and plug all of power connector from your psu to your peripherals..
3. make sure your hsf have a nice contact woth your processor, reseat it and make it sure..
4. if all above still not make your system run, then try to build your system outside the case..maybe, some short happens.
5. about PSU, well, i don't like corsair cx class. yes, it's a decend psu, but still not the best. intended for beginner builder user, not for a long hard work..but, it's still okay.

well, even a fresh install didn't work..
then it's must be something wrong with your hardware..

1. Try to reseat your memory, clean the golden bridge with eraser or contact cleaner..
2. unplug and plug all of power connector from your psu to your peripherals..
3. make sure your hsf have a nice contact woth your processor, reseat it and make it sure..
4. if all above still not make your system run, then try to build your system outside the case..maybe, some short happens.
5. about PSU, well, i don't like corsair cx class. yes, it's a decend psu, but still not the best. intended for beginner builder user, not for a long hard work..but, it's still okay.


Thanks man, I'll have to give those a go when the xfx arrives. I don't think it's the memory, but we'll see.
Hi guys, installed my xfx, same problem. Unplugged my data drive, fresh install started- kinda bummed. Must have had about 2 hours gameplay vid on that thing. Anyway that's for another thread.

Long overdue update on this - turns out it was just a dead HDD causing a clash on startup. All sorted and up and running, had to ditch the drive though. Upgraded to a 1tb sshd.